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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hi. My name is Bo. I'm 41 years old, 5' 9", 430 lbs, and I've absolutely GOT to get healthy, if I want to watch my 4 year old daughter grow up.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Hi. My name is Bo. I'm 41 years old, 5' 9", 430 lbs, and I've absolutely GOT to get healthy, if I want to watch my 4 year old daughter grow up.

I'm on multiple heart meds, I barely get any activity since I became disabled due to a degenerative bone condition that cost me one of my hips, and has just about taken the other one. I have to lose weight and get healthy. It's my only choice, if I don't want my daughter to have to grow up without a dad because I died in my 40s. It's either success, or I lay down and wait to die.

I don't want that. So I'm gonna try. And I'm resorting to something new to try to keep me motivated to exercise and be active. A mobile game, called Pikmin Bloom. It's basically a step counter with fun little things added. So far, I've found myself going for an extra hundred steps here and there, if I'm close to a goal of mine on the game. It's a start.

I've really gotta do it though. My kid is an only child and doesn't even have a playmate because, even though I'm home with her all day, I can't actually do anything to play with her and it kills me. I'm tired of being trapped in my own body. So I post here to try and feel some accountability, like I don't want to fail in front of so many people. And also I post for support. Because it's gonna be a hard road. I'm documenting it with videos I post on another site, so I can get even more of that same accountability and support, but also to have a record of my attempt to hopefully look back on and see how far I came.

Anyway, that's me and my situation. Sorry to ramble on so long.

submitted by /u/ok_im_trying_again
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