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Weight Loss for Everyone: Dating after weight loss

Monday, November 1, 2021

Dating after weight loss

I(29F) had lost a significant amount of weight (60lb) during the pandemic went from size L to XS/XXS on most clothes. Fashionable clothes finally fit me well. I now noticed a significant amount of attention from the opposite gender. Dating has been difficult. I graduated from dating men that I would've date when I was bigger to experimenting with much hotter men. However, I'm still stuck in the mentality that I am ugly and fat. I get insecured so easily and jealous just as quick. I'm learning to love myself more but my insecurities wreaked havoc on my love life. How did you guys deal with regaining your self esteem after being ignored and pushed aside by the opposite gender for so long?

submitted by /u/ourpolicy
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