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Weight Loss for Everyone: What do you say to yourself to get back on the horse?

Saturday, November 12, 2022

What do you say to yourself to get back on the horse?

Just to start, I'm 30F, 182cm (5'11). So, since January, I've gone from 87kg (~191lb) to 68kg (150lb), through CICO - using Loseit!, exercise and just generally trying to eat better.

In this time, I also managed to go from being a pack a day smoker, then switched to a vape and have gradually dropped my nicotine levels down to 3mg.

5 days ago, I cut out the nicotine and have kept the vape only for keeping my hands busy, but I've seen my appetite increase monumentally, to the point where I feel like I can't control myself. This morning I weighed in at 72.6kg (160lb) which is obviously still in a healthy weight range (and obviously not gained weight but most likely majority bloating and water weight) but I need some advice to bring myself back to maintenance intake levels.

So, when you guys feel like bottomless pits, what's the way you help yourself rein it in? Also, if anyone has quit smoking/quit vaping/experienced a resurgence of appetite, how did you manage it in the beginning?

submitted by /u/scallopsnshit
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