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Weight Loss for Everyone: Unsolicited Advice: A Tale Of a Grocery Store Queue & Carbonated Water

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Unsolicited Advice: A Tale Of a Grocery Store Queue & Carbonated Water

Long time lurker; first time poster here- be gentle.

Here’s my stats: 5’11” 35m, SW:266, CW:234, GW 175 lbs.

The setting:

I’m in the line to check-out at the grocery. In my cart are nine cases of store brand unsweetened unflavored sparking water.

My family and I plow through this stuff, but me especially during my weight loss journey. My wife had pre-ordered the bulk of our groceries for curbside pickup, but she neglected to order the bubbly water.

So as I’m inside the store in line, and an older gentleman- I’d say in his sixties, starts a conversation with me.

The Encounter:

Older Fella, keen on disrupting the lives of others: “Looks like you’re thirsty.”

Me, an innocent shopper minding my own beeswax: “Ha, yeah. It’s for me and the family. We love this stuff.”

OF: “You know, you oughta quit that stuff.”

Me: [raises eyebrows and squints, not eager to hear more]

OF: “I was watching a video on YouTube, there’s a guy who drank nothing but RedBull and it rotted his pancreas and guts out. Guys on life support.”

Me: “oh, well, this is just water. Water and carbon dioxide”

OF: “that’s stuffs NO good, you’d be a lot healthier if you gave it up- probably lose weight too”

Me:”this is just water. Can’t give up water. But thanks for the unsolicited advice, Sir.”

I then turned around and didn’t further acknowledge his existence. He was only purchasing a pack of D batteries.

As it was an express self-checkout that he was waiting on me for- I took my carbonated & unsweet time ringing up each individual barcode and carefully reloading each case into my cart.

Is it an uncontrollable impulse of old men to foist their YouTube insights upon strangers? Should I have told him where he could stick those D batteries?

Anyways, thought I’d share my frustrating experience. Good luck out there, gang.

submitted by /u/rustydangerfield
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