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Weight Loss for Everyone: NSV: Spent a week at Disney World and came back having only gained water weight!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

NSV: Spent a week at Disney World and came back having only gained water weight!

This was a huge accomplishment for me, and really led me to seeing how much I had actually learned in the couple of months leading up to my trip. And that I was able to do it even though I stopped tracking during the week.

This trip saw us going to 2 restaurants a day. Drinking alcohol that I had previously cut out. Normally I would have been eating so awfully that no amount of walking could save me. But I knew how much my portions should be, could tell when I should stop and let a meal be over, and when to say no to snacks to give myself the room I needed for the meals.

But when I got home, I’d only gone up like 2lbs, and that was gone almost the very next day!

The 18k+ steps a day definitely helped and allowed me to eat more than I might have normally, but the fact that I was able to gauge really well how much that extra room that extra activity gave me in my CICO is such an inspiring thing.

And on top of that, getting back to tracking was pretty painless, with only a couple hiccups til I was back in the routine.

I’m so proud of myself, and feel like for the first time what I’m doing is sustainable and going to stick even after I hit my goal weight, which is CICO and tracking via the LoseIt app, with a focus on trying to get as much protein as I can, but not freaking out about my specific macros. The lack of “this food is bad and I can’t have it!” has made those stress-based relapses and cravings so much less dangerous. I want something “bad”? Then I just shave some calories off somewhere else, and boom, I’m good! Just that freedom mixed with awareness of the choices I’m actually making have left me feeling so incredibly empowered. I’m truly hopeful for my ability to live life at a healthy weight once I reach it, and this trip was an absolutely massive test of that. And I passed!

submitted by /u/Sara-Writes
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