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Weight Loss for Everyone: I lack discipline and cant stay consistent with a calorie deficit. Any help?

Friday, November 11, 2022

I lack discipline and cant stay consistent with a calorie deficit. Any help?

Good day to all. Covid has fucked me up and as a result I am now a fat fuck. As the title says, I know what I have to do if I want to go back to my normal body. I have my caloric deficit planned out but my issue is discipline. I have zero discipline, or motivation. I always give up after a day and go straight back to eating whatever without any care about the calories. A huge thing I also struggle with is my eating portions. I do not know if I developed an eating disorder during covid (I had a pile of issues at that time) but I got into the habit of eating until I feel full. Now, if I dont eat in bulk until im stuffed, I wont feel satisfied and ill just crave more food until I am full.

So point is, do you guys here have any tips? Im sure im not the only one who started out like this, but what have you guys done to stay consistent? I have always been lazy as shit and have never had any discipline or consistency. Do you guys have any advice or anything?

submitted by /u/peepeepoopoo2022
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