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Weight Loss for Everyone: What can I do in my circumstances?

Monday, June 27, 2022

What can I do in my circumstances?

I can't go outside much, I'm well beyond 30 bmi and my energy levels are shit, I also eat away all of my stress and boy is there a lot of that lately (I'm in Ukraine lol). I'm also a recovering alcoholic, 1.5 years sober.

What can I realistically attempt in these circumstances? Would a water fast work? From my experience with getting sober, what works best for me is quitting cold turkey, but that's probably true for all alcoholics and food is not exactly something you can quit cold turkey. The worst thing about food for me is that I'm a foodie, I eat a lot of gourmet bullshit, partially as a coping mechanism, but also because its one of the few things that still gives me any dopamine.

Deep down I think that quitting treating food as a source of dopamine is the key and first step is probably also getting acquainted with the whole sense of hunger thing, so that's why I'm thinking about water fast etc (but probably mainly because I want to drop some weight right now).

submitted by /u/ivan0x32
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