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Weight Loss for Everyone: Muscle Mass Calculation - Am I doing this right?

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Muscle Mass Calculation - Am I doing this right?

Hi, everyone! Just a question on muscle mass. I’ve been losing a bit of muscle mass which had me a bit worried, but looking at the bigger picture, I am now not sure if I still have to be concerned.

Using a body composition scale, when I weighed 228lbs, I have 106.2lbs muscle mass, which is about 47% of my weight. Now, I weighed in 192.8lbs and have 102.6lbs muscle mass, which is about 53% of my weight. (My body fat percentage also went down from 50 to 43)

So does this mean that I am actually losing muscle mass but it is still increasing based in my body composition? Is this a metric I should look into?

Also, if yes, what is a healthy percentage for this? I find different answers online. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/thegrapejuiceblues
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