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Weight Loss for Everyone: I seem to be more addicted to buying junk food than eating it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

I seem to be more addicted to buying junk food than eating it.

Over the past few months I have noticed I will buy junk food (usually chocolate) even though I don't really want/crave it.

Yesterday I stood in the aisle just looking at all the different options, with no real end goal in my mind about what I wanted. Eventually I bought a tray of chocolates that are just sat on the side because I don't want them.

It happened again today too, I nipped to the shop for dinner (making sensible choices that fit in with my calories) and ended up buying 3 bars of chocolate, which I didn't really want. I ended up eating 2 of them because they were there, and honestly, it wasn't worth it.

There is a charity box at work with different snacks in and I always end up with a flapjack worth around 600 calories, they arent even that nice, especially not for 600 calories.

Same thing happens with takeaways when I get a free house, if I know I will be alone, I will order something even though its expensive and never worth it.

I eat a lot of junk snacks that I don't really want and don't know if it's years of bad habits just lingering, or a tiny urge in the back of my mind for junk. If I eat 3 normal meals a day, I end up with around 2200 calories consumed, that can easily jmp up to 3000+ with extra crap

submitted by /u/SUPER_MOOSE93
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