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Weight Loss for Everyone: How do you make it easy?

Friday, June 17, 2022

How do you make it easy?

I’ve been on a weight rollercoaster but it’s finally sinking in that what works for me is what is easy. I’m only in the third week though - hoping to get other people’s ideas! This is what seems to be working for me:

  1. Meal planning - I use an app to meal plan so I don’t have to think about what to eat.
  2. Groceries - I shop online (list provided by app) so I’m not tempted by sales and nice packaging
  3. Exercise - I use the free gym near me and block time in my calendar
  4. Calorie counting - have food scale and I eat at home mostly so it’s easier for me to measure and count

What I don’t know how to do yet is how to make portion control and eating out / eating with friends easy, especially when they cook!

Any other suggestions welcome. How do you make weight loss easy?

submitted by /u/milleniumlint2
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