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Weight Loss for Everyone: Frustrated. I’ve been consistently losing weight for 3.5 months but this is the first week I gained, anyone have a clue why?

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Frustrated. I’ve been consistently losing weight for 3.5 months but this is the first week I gained, anyone have a clue why?

So I’m a 23M and I started my weight loss journey on March first. I started at 205 and have made it down to 176, I’m 6 feet tall, and have built some great habits along the way.

I workout 6 times a week, I eat 1600 calories a day, religiously tracking them, no cheat days (so far) and I average about 1.5 pounds lost per week.

This week though, I didn’t change anything in my routine and didn’t have any cheat days, and when I went for my weekly weigh in I was .7 pounds heavier.

I know it’s not much but I still feel upset because I’m so used to seeing consistent progress. Anyone have any idea why this might’ve happened? Any tips or reasons are appreciated, thanks.

submitted by /u/No-Comparison-8804
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