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Weight Loss for Everyone: Can you lose weight (through dieting) if you seem to lack any willpower whatsoever?

Monday, June 27, 2022

Can you lose weight (through dieting) if you seem to lack any willpower whatsoever?

So I tried losing weight through exercise lately and despite a noticeable increase in endurance, it didn't do anything and I didn't end up looking any different. I went about it the same way I've successfully done so in the past (and I don't think ageing is a factor unless you consider anything above 19 to be out of your prime) so this one threw me for a fucking loop. You would think this is an overreaction and that I just need to adapt, but my success in the past with anything fitness and health related was from trial an error through every approach i could get my hands on... Since the age of twelve. The entire fucking reason why I made a note of what worked for me to begin with was to avoid this whole inconvenience.

So now the logical approach would be to try to address my diet. Eat less and keep exercising and I'll lose weight little by little in no time. But in the like 7 years of experimentation with healthy living, dieting was such a non-viable option for me that I didn't even bother with it, towards the end. Even the most successful approaches consistently lasted for a month at most. No more than that, in all the years of trying.

But now my only hope to lose weight is to indulge in something I've never liked (and God knows I've tried). Oh yeah and also everything else in my life is going similarly awry so you better fucking believe that, besides my family, food is one of the only things left in this world that can give my stupid fucking chimp brain the dopamine that it needs. But hey, the only price I have to pay for that is that my weight has been increasing at an alarming rate and that every time it does so, i become ever so slightly more resentful of how I look. I loathe the day that I'm so upset at what I see when I look in the mirror that i punch it, because i have a feeling it'll be here sooner than i expect.

So back to my question: Does someone like me even stand a chance with losing weight through dieting? Or would I just be wasting my time marching through hell over and over again by denying myself one of the few pleasures i take in life? If not, i will promptly leave this sub forever and try to move on with my life through whatever desperate means possible.

submitted by /u/BaronDinklevanDunkle
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