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Weight Loss for Everyone: Am I Being Inconsiderate?

Monday, June 20, 2022

Am I Being Inconsiderate?

TW: Eating Disorder, Weight Loss, Health Problems, Substance Abuse

So this might be a long one, but I am going to start with what got me to my breaking point. I just turned 30 on Tuesday last week. At age 27 I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease. Age 29 I was diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea(stop breathing 54 times an hour on average). I stopped drinking alcohol at age 28 due to noticing a pretty bad dependency to it, not quite full blown alcoholic but given family history I didn't want to chance it.

I am a 5'5" transgender man. I maxed the scales last August sitting at 245lbs. With intermittent fasting, really watching my portions/food options, and working in with a manual labour job doing 8 hours a day(Mon-Fri) at a Sawmill since January, I have successfully worked down to 183lbs(Could have more gone, but I'm okay with slow and steady).

I've always been on the chubbier side, even as a kid. Pair this with the fact I grew up with a binge-eating disorder that I only really started to get a handle on back in November, things have not been easy with this pursuit of trying to get healthier. For more context, with hitting 183lbs I'm back to the size I was when I graduated high school.

I've been very proud and happy about this altogether and most of my friends have been very supportive on this journey of encouraging me to do this for me if it's what I want/what will make me happy. However the other day I received a message I wasn't expecting and it has me thrown for a loop.

The meat and potatoes of the message was requesting I no longer mention it in a group chat as it is triggering to others in the chat who also suffer through eating disorders and that my making comments regarding my progress is inherently anti-fat.

I guess what I'm feeling regarding this is that I'm not allowed to feel happy about this progress that I'm making. I feel as though the message from my friend has kind of been received as a bit of a slap to the face as I'm doing what I am doing for my health. Should I feel guilty about bringing up my milestones? I genuinely look to my friends for support and words of encouragement, so this kind of sets me back a bit but I want to know others opinions before I compose a message back.

submitted by /u/CrossroadKing
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