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Weight Loss for Everyone: I am learning to resist the urge to order multiple entrees for delivery

Friday, June 17, 2022

I am learning to resist the urge to order multiple entrees for delivery

I always feel like if I'm going to get food delivered, I should order a lot of it. If I'm going to pay a delivery fee I feel like I should get a lot of bang for my buck. My brain has "delivery food" marked as something Very Special, and if I'm going to get it, I need to get as much as I can because it's a Special Treat I Don't Get Often. Like I'm worried there won't be enough. Or like maybe I'll hate one entree and need a back-up & it'll be a waste of the delivery fee & a disappointment of a "treat." It always results in me overeating, because obviously it would.

Just now, I ordered for myself 1 entree and a side of chips with salsa. It's still a special treat. But it's a normal, manageable quantity. A regular-sized treat. I just have to remind myself that I can order whatever I want whenever I want, or cook whatever I want whenever I want, or buy whatever I want to eat whenever I want, and that there's absolutely no scarcity of "special treats" if I want to have them. This food order isn't the end of the world. It doesn't matter if it's not my favorite entree, and there's no chance of there not being enough food in the order, and if I wind up feeling disappointed in the order I get, it's genuinely not a big deal, and not something to go way out of my way to avoid.

Idk if anybody else experiences this kind of binging. I kind of do the same thing with potato chips & dip, where I'll feel compelled to buy and eat a lot of them on the rare occasions when I do buy them, because as a kid we never kept chips in the house & my brain thinks of them as "special." I was always shocked when I'd go to friends' houses and their parents would have bags of chips in the cupboard, secured with chip clips, and that my friends could take out a handful & put the bag back till tomorrow (instead of eating the entire bag), like they were just nothing, just boring and unspecial.

Anone else struggle with a compulsion to binge food that your brain has decided is special or scarce?

submitted by /u/Unfey
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