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Weight Loss for Everyone: Frustrating plateau. I know it's temporary, but I'm still annoyed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Frustrating plateau. I know it's temporary, but I'm still annoyed.

I've been dieting successfully since March. Tracking calories, CICO. I've been reliably losing 1.5-2 lbs per week. However, I haven't lost a pound in the last few weeks.

Admittedly, I went on a trip with some friends for a long weekend, and for a few days I wasn't really tracking. Not like I went nuts and ate everything in sight, but I did eat more for a few days than I had been. Gained a few pounds, wasn't stressed about it, came back down to pre-trip weight by the following weekend.

But since then, haven't lost a pound for over 2 weeks. I've been fully back to my regular routine, still counting, still staying on budget, and generally eating healthy stuff. But no change.

I know it's temporary, and I know as long as I stick to the program I'll keep losing, but this is a very annoying little hump that I can't seem to get through yet.

That is all.

submitted by /u/District_RE
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