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Weight Loss for Everyone: My dietitian called me an “athlete”

Monday, June 27, 2022

My dietitian called me an “athlete”

So I’ve lost 80 lbs in the last year; going from 260 to 180 lbs; still have 40 lbs to go; but I’ve hit a plateau like hard and can’t seem to lose more weight at all. I’ve tried cutting back on calories but it’s useless because after working out i get ravenously hungry. I have binge eating disorder; and even though I don’t binge on junk food like i used to; I sometimes binge on “healthy food”- I’ve also had a couple of slip ups, nothing severe. I do train hard though; i do like 5 days of cardio, 1 day dedicated to running, 3 days of crossfit and 1 day of stretching . I sometimes do weights, but not a lot. I’ve gotten stronger, more toned. My leg muscles are getting really big and my triceps and back are also looking hard. I’m a woman on birth control for pcos, but I go on these special scales in the dietitians office that measure body fat, muscle and water weight- and every month i gain a lot of muscle I’ve gone from 53% body fat to 25% in a year. In the last 6 months I’ve gained like 8 to 10 lbs of muscle (I’m not lying, maybe the scale is wrong), and the progress pics don’t lie; my frame is getting squared and even though I’m plauteing, my clothes do feel looser and exercise performance has improved. I was annoyed that I haven’t lost any weight, I’ve actually gained like a 1/4 of a pound; but it was water weight and muscle; and the dietitian told me that it’s normal for athletes to gain muscle and lose fat. I’m like wtf- last year i was a morbidly obese couch potato, I’ve never exercise before, I use to fail gym class in school- and i suck at sports in general; I’ve only been working out consistently for a year; I wouldn’t call myself an athlete Am i an athlete though?

submitted by /u/SusieQu1885
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