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Weight Loss for Everyone: March 2022

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Time for a change

Hello, lose it!

I'm 35f, 5'6, and 330lbs (150kg). This is literally more than double what I ought to weigh for my age, height, and sex. I've always been obese, ever since I was a little kid. I've always struggled with moderation and I have no idea why-- it's not a trauma response or emotional eating, my mum made sure to instil healthy eating habits into my sister and myself (both my mum and sister are a healthy weight), and yet I have always binged. I can remember being ten or eleven with my first pocket money, spending it all on buying about six hamburgers from McDonalds and almost feverishly scarfing them down. I do not know what it's like to not be hungry, the only time I get a respite from it is when I have overstuffed myself and even then the hunger comes back after a few hours.

But even with all that, even after I got diagnosed with PCOS and severe mental health issues that required anti-psychotics with a strong weight gain side effect, I never thought of myself as "that bad". I had no real weight related issues, and I was fairly active. I swam, I biked, and I walked about 10-12k steps a day.

Then the World Incident That Shall Not Be Named happened.

I didn't leave my house for a long time-- and when I did leave, it wasn't far or for long. I was paranoid about catching sick due to being obese, as well as having very vulnerable family, and so I rationalised NEVER going out. I became wholly sedentary, which had a further knock on effect to my mental health, and that combined with my already aforementioned insatiable greed to balloon my weight from 250lbs (already very obese) to 330lbs (terrifyingly morbidly obese).

Being sedentary for such a long time, as well as gaining so much weight, has wrecked my back. Where I could once walk 10-12k a day with no real problems, now I struggle to walk 500 steps before I'm in agony. I lose my breath trying to walk up and down my stairs, and I find breathing in bed more difficult. I'm so frightened at the state I've let myself get into, and I desperately want to change. I want to be healthy.

So I'm going to be.

I am not going to go in all guns blazing and burn out, and I'm not going to pretend everything will fall into place easily now I've made this decision, but I am determined. I'm going to start with a ten minute walk once a day for a week, then up to fifteen, twenty, and so on, until I build my stamina back which will hopefully help my back. I have decided to go with CICO, as I believe (knowing myself) if I label any foods "off limits" entirely I will obsess and binge eventually. Better for myself to moderate rather than eliminate, I think. I'm starting with a calorie goal of 1800, thanks to the calculations at MFP. Luckily, I love cooking and I love vegetables already, so I think the adjustment will more be into smaller portions than different food.

I think my biggest challenge will be the constant hunger I've had all my life. I've been checked by the GP and there doesn't seem to be a medical reason for it, so I need to find a way to mentally deal with the hunger as simply an acceptable price for getting the health I want.

I have a lot of self negative thoughts about how I let myself get to this stage, but I'm really going to try and frame this journey in a positive light. I'm lucky to live in a place safe enough to walk outside, I'm lucky to have the ability to cook for myself, I'm lucky to have the chance to try and change. I'm going to do this because I deserve to be healthy. Anyway, I just wanted to post this here, partially as accountability, but also because I've been reading this wonderful community for a while (stalking) and I hope now that I'm here, and I've made an account to be here, that I can be a part of it too.

submitted by /u/fatknits
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How do I restart my weight loss?

I lost 100lbs back in 2018, but gained it back and more in 2019/2020. I've lost all my self steamand motivation to try to lose it again. Because it was hard work. But I miss how it felt. To be lighter, and to be happier with myself and my accomplishments. Now I just feel like a failure...

My question is, how do I start up again without failing immediately into it? How can I lose 100lbs again just as I did before with little to no hope or motivation....


submitted by /u/meow_dee
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Back in gym after 5 years. I NEED y’all tips and advice to melt this fat by summer

I’m 23 | 181CM / 5ft10 | 98KG / 216 POUNDS I’m strictly tracking my calories and sitting between 1000 - 1500 kcal a day while my BMR is around 2200 kcal. So i’m usually technically 700 - 1200 kcal below. I’m hitting the gym 5 days a week and i do cardio (treadmill) after my workouts for half hour. Weekends are my rest days for muscles so i do an hour cardio on treadmill only.

I’m open for any advice or feedback. Also share any supplements if y’all know any! I’ve been following this community for a long time and want to thank you all for all the motivation. This sub feels like a family ❤️

My current pictures:

submitted by /u/Still-Ad-837
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How exactly does weight loss work?

I understand that it's ultimately just calories in vs calories out. I have for the past two weeks maintained a calorie deficit under 2000 calories a day. I've noticed a bit of weight loss but have noticed it has kind of stopped. I read somewhere that in addition to eating less, what time of day you eat matters. Along with most of the true fat loss happening due to burning excess calories? How can I structure a diet plan to be the most effective to loss weight a week.

submitted by /u/waldorsockbat
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F/30/4'11/265> 132 = 128lbs - I wanted to share my journey

Before and after, 3 years apart:

before and after

It was a crazy journey. As you can see I'm a small bean at only 4'11 so having so much excess weight on me really started to take a toll. It wasn't until I started recognising the simplest things were becoming hard to do - including the bother to roll out of bed to go toilet (dw, I did anyway! lol).

I decided to make a big change in who I am and what I was doing with my life. I recognised that eating a 1kg steak, with chips and mash, almost daily was not 'normal'. I recognised I went to the local burger takeaway so often when they saw me they asked 'the usual?'.

Most of my weightloss was diet alone. I did go to the gym, and did some cardio, but the honest truth is I am still lazy. I cut down my portions from 5000+ calories a day to 2000 to 1200. I was a binge eater, so it took A LOT to start controlling that and even now it's difficult but I push through.

I surely thought by 30 I would be bed bound, but instead I dropped from a size 22 to a size 10-12, found my confidence, but most of all... found my love for life and the girl I was before... is thankful I didn't unalive myself over something as trivial as weight. We did something even better and for that, I say thank you to her for being strong and becoming the me I am today.

Good luck to everyone on this journey, it's worth it.

submitted by /u/ItsKisa
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What are your warning systems in place for weight gain after losing?

I lost 30 kgs and then gained 15 kgs and I'm wondering what systems you have in place to be able to notice early on that you've gained weight so you can stop it early.

It's so much easier to gain a bunch of weight in a short period of time than losing, which usually takes a lot longer.

I weigh myself but still managed gaining a lot, bit by bit and ended up halfway back up and it's of course harder to lose it now.

What kind of stuff do other people do?

My issue may also be that I have mild body dysmorphia, especially when I slowly gain, I can't tell myself until I see pictures someone's takes of me and I'm like Oh no what happened! Doesn't match what I see in the mirror.

Also doesn't help that all my clothes are comfortable and stretchy?

What are systems in place or rules you have to be able to nip weight gain in the bud?

I've also been calorie counting daily during this whole process so I can see I've been in a surplus.

Looking for advice and tips and tricks, to know what skinny or healthy weight people use to keep track.

submitted by /u/NanasTeaPartyHeyHo
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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

How to motivate yourself to go to the gym?

TLDR: I don't want to go, but I have to go, but yet I don't want to go. Bad eating habits coming back. Encouragement or tips appreciated.

Haven't gone in two weeks. The first week was because I didn't want to leave my warm house to drive in cold rain and snow, the second week was because my nephew was born and is having some medical problems and I'm just very worried all the time for him.
It's like I don't have the energy to do anything. I've been falling back into my terrible eating habits. (21, 5'8", weight fluctuates between 175-185 lbs) but I know I have to because it's $40 down the drain.
Just the thought of getting out of bed, driving, working out, driving home, showering, all that is very unappealing to me right now.
My brother was kind enough to show me how to use some machines and free weights, but he's been busy and I don't want to be a dick and ask him to work out with me again and take him away from his wife and kid when they need him. I'm still not very confident in proper forms and don't want to hurt myself. Got any ideas?

submitted by /u/Flat_Habit2323
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Processed meat and veggie 'meat'

So i realise you're not supposed to eat a lot of processed meat, for reasons that i'm very hazy about. What i want to know is.... is it the processing that's the problem, or is it the meats response to the processing?

The reason being that i'm wondering whether vegan or vegetarian food that's made to resemble meat is in the same category - i.e. not that great for you because of the processing.

There's some fairly nice stuff in the supermarket now like sausages, 'meat' patties etc with different flavouring, and i like them because you don't have to cook them (just re-heat if you want) and are a good variety from what i normally have, but i'm not sure whether it's supposed to fall in to the 'eat less-often' bracket, or whether it's ok as a regular thing?

But yeah, why are pre-packaged slices of ham etc supposed to be bad?

submitted by /u/posting_as_me
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How to lose weight while living on campus?

First-year student here. Never believed in the freshman 15, but damn is it true. I didn't gain 15 pounds but I'm sure I gained like five or eight and it's honestly stressing me out. I've tried eating healthy, like cutting off fried foods and eating more fruits and whole grains, but it's literally impossible here. Dining hall food is all fried (cheeseburgers, fries, fried chicken, etc.), the other side is the 'healthy' side but it literally only has two things: salad and rice. And the rice is terrible- I'd be okay with white or yellow rice but they make some weird shit and somehow manage to make it unhealthy. All close restaurants are Subways, McDonalds, Burger King, and pretty much just fast food in general. The healthiest thing I can buy on campus is Hibachi fried rice, and it's not even healthy it's fried rice. I try buying healthy things from the market but it's impossible to eat a healthy meal when we don't have a kitchen. Healthiest thing I've been eating has been a chicken Ceaser wrap or oven-baked potato skins. I've been going to the gym to lose weight but I feel like I'm going nowhere with how I'm eating right now. I feel so bad about eating like this I've been cutting my meals down to one a day and an occasional snack here and then. Any advice?

submitted by /u/huevofritou
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30

Hello wonderful losers!

March 29! We’re closing in on the end of another fabulous month. Are you folks thinking about what April’s goals will be yet? Yeah, me too, finally! Here’s the sign up post!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Got it! 27/29 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: On it today 15/22 days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Lunch walk! 23/29 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital tappy tap and therapy.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for rain & puddles to splash in.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today/tomorrow is to treat myself with kindness, not skip my evening work out & enjoy some quiet time. My intention for this week is to finish out the month strong & meeting my calorie goals. My intention for this month is to make it through the seasonal transition with a sense of joy rather than annoyance. April is going to be lovely, damn it!

Respond to y’all one day a week: Managed to chat with y’all at least once a week so far!

Your turn! How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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F/36/5'4/255 > 155 = 100 pounds. Can't believe I did it. May of 2020 to today.

In May of 2020 I decided to quit drinking alcohol (was a heavy drinker,) stop smoking cigarettes and start counting calories. I decided I wasn't going on a diet, I was going on a lifestyle. That meant I wasn't going to cut out the foods I love, I still eat what I want, but I count the calories for it. This was an option that allowed me to still eat good food and desserts. I learned how to cook (I NEVER cooked before... Only fast food and microwavable stuff.) I decided to meal prep and freeze delicious 1 cup meals (lasagna, taco lasagna, breakfast casseroles, creamy chicken chili and lots more!) I used MyFitnessPal and tracked about 1200-1500 calories a day. I'm still on a slow weight loss now and I exercise 6 times a week only because I find it fun (water aerobics!) I'm not sure what my goal weight is, I have more of a goal look/feel and I don't think I'm there yet, but I am happy. The first half of my weight loss was only counting calories, no exercise. I treat my calories like they are money in the bank and only spend them on things I want. I also do not track exercise calories or eat them back, they are my savings account if I ever want a day where I'm just not paying attention to my calories.

submitted by /u/KaleidoKitty
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I Fit In My Pants

36/F….was a little too proud of myself in 2020 for not gaining weight like all my work friends, but I fell off the wagon in 2021. Back into martial arts (Muay Thai) went my round derrière as my New Year’s gift to self…and as of today I’m back in pants I hadn’t worn in 8-9 months. So happy!!

I don’t know if I’ve actually lost weight, but I do know my waist is down by 3” and I have a lot more energy.


Net benefits: martial arts helped me a LOT with body confidence in my late teens and twenties, even though I didn’t need to lose weight at the time. Now that I do, it’s helping me with my confidence again, as well as my figure.

Fillers: the instructor has us practice stances and things at home which feels silly but I’ve noticed I can do them while I’m waiting for other things to happen. Instead of filling time by eating popcorn during commercials, I can do squats. Waiting for the microwave, I can work on whatever stance or short routine I’m assigned (burns about as many calories as Thai Chi). Plus, it FEELS a lot better than just standing there waiting for the proverbial water to boil.

Baby steps: super simplistic I know but I’m working on my diet very slowly. Right now it’s all about liquids. Soda once a week or less; I’m at 16 oz more water/day. No creamer in coffee.

submitted by /u/Brautsen
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I can finally see my path to a healthy weight.

I've been a yo-yo dieter for just over a decade. I would restrict myself into the narrowest of paths and if the slighted deviation occurred, I'd wave my prepared white flag and give up.

The past few months, I've done something I'd never even considered before - I gave myself leeway and the benefit of understanding I'm human. I plan my cheat days instead of letting them surprise me and absolve all my motivation.

On my weekly cheat day, I eat at maintenance and don't chastise myself for eating what I want. I've made an agreement with myself to have just the one day, and get back to working on my health the next.

Anyway, I can see myself healthy in the not so distant future. Whereas before, I'm pretty sure I had my mind already preparing for failure before I even began.

submitted by /u/F7U12Origins
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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Weighing myself is fun now :)

I (F) was always a bit overweight, but I've decided I want to try to lose some of the excess fat before summer. My starting weight was 150 pounds, and after about 15 days I'm down to 145 using Chloe Ting's Hourglass Challenge and CICO. It's not much but I'm proud of myself and I actually like standing on the scale each morning. My goal weight is 120 pounds, which is achievable with my genetics and height (5'5).

submitted by /u/Commercial-Grab-5546
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Trust the process?

I'm back on CICO since the beginning of January. I know my TDEE. I'm eating between 1500-1900 daily and going to the gym twice a week. Lots of Cardio and recently added in strength training. And not eating into my exercise calories. I'm staying below my daily calorie allotment. However, I'm banking them for my one big meal on the weekends. And I even log that! I've cut out all sodas and only drink coffee and water. I log everything. Thankfully, I'm down about 21 lbs since the beginning of January. Maybe that's a lot but I genuinely feel like it should be more. I'm seeing results, just not on the scale. Any suggestions on what I can do to help give it a nudge? Or just trust the process? Maybe I'm overlooking something. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

submitted by /u/I_Masticatedinpublic
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I’m sorry if this a dumb question, I’m just a bit confused. I’m totally new to all this (fitness and counting calories). I calculated my Tdee to be around 2400 (I’m quite tall and active). Is this the total number of calories I should consume a day, or should I aim to net this amount? For example, I live in a city and usually end up walking around 5-6 miles a day, and I also workout 4-5 times a week. Should I take this “exercise” into account and eat a bit more when at maintenance, to net a total of 2400? Or is the Tdee already taking into account exercise?

submitted by /u/Capable-Bridge-4209
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Protein intake while loosing weight?

Hello guy’s, I started dieting 2 weeks ago. Im currently dieting on a pascetarian like diet. Also im following some detox programs in which i cut out wheat, gluten and dairy products. I decided to diet because i let my self go, i had a lot of unexpected family and life problems which i resolved eating junk food and laying in bed all day. I am a fairly built guy, i used to work out so under all this gain i have a rather nice frame. Im 6 foot 4 and about 255pounds(115kg) at the moment. My problem is lack of protein intake because of the diet, and im worried that i will loose also muscle. Any tips diet meals or plans would be greatly appreciated guys 😄😄

submitted by /u/lorbek1
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Feeling Overwhelmed With Getting Started

Hello all, I’m a 23 yo Non-Binary person who weighs 333.4 lbs and I feel so lost on how to start. I started the pandemic at my lowest weight in a long time (280ish) and am now at a higher weight than I ever have been again.

Honestly I really don’t even want to be traditionally skinny. I just want to be able to fit into a Large shirt for the first time since I was like 11.

Every time I start to diet I’m always falling off the wagon within a week or two. Do y’all have tips for self accountability and how to stay on the right track? I’m tired of constantly feeling like trash about my body and want to make a change that isn’t just temporary.

I appreciate y’all in advance.

submitted by /u/Trans-Sapphic
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Going to the gym just for treadmills?

I'd like to exercise more. I have a few exercise games like Ring Fit Adventure but rarely feel like playing them. I do a 1-3 hour walk least every other day but it's boring going on the same routes all the time.

I'm thinking about joining a local gym. I'm interested in the treadmill and stepper but buying my own equipment is way too expensive.

At the same time, I'm embarrassed at joining a gym. I just want to use the treadmill for a while and call it a day. Being around all these health savvy fitness people works up my health anxiety.

Is it even worth money using these equipment when I can do it for free by going out more?

submitted by /u/Gallantpride
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Recovered ED - trying to do this the right way

TW: calorie counting, eating disorder

I had an eating disorder as a teenager. I was also an athlete and generally very active.
I got over the eating disorder with therapy and have been chilling at around the same weight (from stats below) for several years, with inconsistent exercise aside from high daily step count/active life. I like to think my relationship with food is fairly healed and I practice mostly intuitive eating.

I've been wanting to improve my body composition and eating habits in a constructive way. I am tracking my food now, and it feels somewhat triggering. I want to work through this and have different reactions so that I can actually reach my goals in a healthy way. I'm aiming for about 1800-1900 cals a day and 1.5g/kg protein.

Today, my lunch and breakfast were a bit higher in caloric amounts than expected and consequently I don't have much "left" for dinner. I feel disappointed and frustrated, and feel the compulsion to not have dinner. I have a bit of a "deprivation" mindset because I know I "can't" have that much more food today as per the app. And I hate that feeling. Knowing my old patterns, this is a setup for a binge - either later tonight or in the coming days.

So I don't want to do that. Instead, I'm trying hard to connect with my feelings of hunger and fullness, and to detach myself from the previous feelings of guilt or of having "ruined" the day.

I want to connect with what I feel and with the satisfaction of what I ate today. I want look at my intake with more of a scientific/rational mind. I.e. "I reached this number because of x choices I made, and I feel full/not full. Here are the things I can do differently next time". I've had lots of delicious food today. I don't want the numbers take away from all the satisfaction and nutrition I've achieved.

It's a process and I guess this is highlighting that I am still working through things.
I just wanted to vent a bit and perhaps hear from others who have gone through something similar. Hope this is appropriate for this sub. If there is a better suited sub, please let me know.

Stats: 29F, 5'6" SW:160 CW: same GW:140? Mostly a health BMI and better body composition. Desk Job, workout 2-3x/week at present

TL;DR - Recovered from ED years ago. Trying to improve body composition and started tracking my food. Feeling tempted to slip back into old, unhelpful patterns but trying to work through it with a kinder, more rational mindset instead.

submitted by /u/PotatoMD007
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 29

Hello wonderful losers!

March 29! We’re closing in on the end of another fabulous month. Are you folks thinking about what April’s goals will be yet? Yeah, me too, finally! Here’s the sign up post!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Got it! 27/29 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: On it today 15/22 days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Lunch walk! 23/29 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital tappy tap and therapy.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for rain & puddles to splash in.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today/tomorrow is to treat myself with kindness, not skip my evening work out & enjoy some quiet time. My intention for this week is to finish out the month strong & meeting my calorie goals. My intention for this month is to make it through the seasonal transition with a sense of joy rather than annoyance. April is going to be lovely, damn it!

Respond to y’all one day a week: Managed to chat with y’all at least once a week so far!

Your turn! How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Monday, March 28, 2022

What was/is your motivator?

So I’ve been big all my life (literally, I had to do food diaries at 3 years old) and all that time I’ve had doctors/teachers/family shout and nag me to lose weight. In the past they just talked to a brick wall as obviously it’s only me who can make that decision but now I finally actually have a motivator. It’s silly and a lot of people have said I’m not going to stick to this but I’m obsessed with the character Harley Quinn, as in the jokers ex, and so I want to be the exact same weight as her (140lbs).

What’s your motivator? Has it been for health reasons? Scared for the future or did you too start with a silly reason? Sometimes the words stick and I start to believe that I might not actually follow through with it and it’d be like the last times I’ve wanted to lose weight. Do I rethink this?

submitted by /u/AbigailQuinn18
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I lost 90 pounds and I’m not even proud at all

Im 22, 6’2 and currently weigh 227. Two years ago, I weighed in at a whopping 317 pounds, which was back when i was severely depressed and blew up about 100 lbs in a year. I shut myself off from many people I knew, so not too many people saw me at my fattest. People congratulate me on my progress so far, but honestly I don’t like talking about it because I’m more ashamed that I let myself go like that then anything. There’s not a single day that passes by where I don’t think about hoe disgusting I looked. Nobody Knows the exact number of pounds I’ve lost because I always lie and just say I lost 50 pounds. Is it normal to feel like this?

submitted by /u/Fluid_Importance_446
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I am heavier than ever and feel so so embarrassed.

I am 5' 5" and about 215lbs as a 24 year old female. Heavy as I was last year and I'm vacationing in a week in front of my fit and healthy in laws. I feel like a disgusting barnyard animal with no self respect.

After the kids I am flabby and untoned on top of being overweight.

I have zero control over food. Total compulsion even when I'm not hungry. I think I have a full blown eating addiction that no one validates because I'm not 300 plus pounds.

I literally could eat 10000 cals in a day. I self medicate with food and don't feel like I'm living unless I'm filling my face.

I feel like a failure.

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Use_2270
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In dire need of fat loss guidance

I need some guidance, 25m 5"10 90kg aiming to eat 12,000 cals weekly. So far my routine is as follows: 4kg skinless chicken breast, 4 cups uncooked jasmin rice, 1kg of sweet potato and 1kg of assorted veggies roasted. I do marinate the chicken but not saturated and I bake in the oven it majority of the time. I do muay thai 3-4 days a week for an hour per session, so far I have only lost 1kg after a month of doing this. I know for certain i'm weighing the food right as I only purchase and consume those specific amounts. Is it possible my body is just holding onto the fat and will eventually just have it fall off? Or do I just drop my carbs for fats perhaps or maybe more meat?

Something important to note, my body composure has NOT changed..

submitted by /u/Rochfort117
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - April Sign Ups!

Hello lovely losers!

It’s a new month! Holy sheep I missed it! February having 28 days really tripped me up! But I'm here & so are you, so let’s do it!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self-care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: The scale is a tool & like any other tool, using it in a useful way is important. For me this is what effective looks like. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. X/X days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: I will not adjust for exercise, it’s a slippery slope & a bitch doesn’t want to get caught slipping X/X days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): I don’t want to just settle for a walk mid day, I need more strength & variety of workouts in the evening. X/X days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: So important for my mental health. X/X days.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for ...

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today/tomorrow is -. My intention for this week is -. My intention for this month is -. I’m still looking for the right way to frame this goal to keep me mindful & in the moment but also focused on the future version of me that I want to bring about based on actions today. That all sounds very woo woo so forgive me kids.

Respond to y’all one day a week: I love this community & interacting with you all keeps me more present & grounded in my fitness journey.

Your turn! What’s going to get you going in the month ahead?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 28

Hello wonderful losers!

Day 28! Are you guys thinking about what April’s goals will be yet? Yeah, me too, finally! Here’s the sign up post!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Got it! 25/27 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: On it, going to have a pre planned very fancy binner tonight 15/21 days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Nature walk! I saw the cutest dogs & squirrels. 21/27 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital tappy tap.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for local shops with local produce & fancy candles.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today/tomorrow is to treat myself with kindness, not skip my evening work out & enjoy some quiet time. My intention for this week is to finish out the month strong & meeting my calorie goals. My intention for this month is to make it through the seasonal transition with a sense of joy rather than annoyance. That one is tough.

Respond to y’all one day a week: Managed to chat with y’all at least once a week so far!

Your turn! How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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sort of a success?

It is officially a month since i started dieting. I’ve made a few posts in the past and they’ve all been about me binging and eating shit food despite how badly I want to lose weight and get in better shape. I don’t workout and if I do (which is like once every two weeks) I will do some squats. I’ll attach photos of my workout routine and step count for the month. As you can see I’m really not active and I don’t leave the house. If only I went on walks more often or did some crunches in the comfort of my own home i would have lost more weight. As for what I eat daily? I try to stay between 1200 to 1500 but to be completely honest I can’t do 1200 and have gone between 1500 to 1600. Hopefully by this month I’ll make it to 1400 and then be able to go lower and lower. I still find it hard to eat. Hard to choose cucumber slices instead of bread or chips. Hard to choose a salad instead of a chicken sandwich from a fast food place. I try to eat in smaller portions now. And although I haven’t fully switched to being healthier, I choose smaller sizes. I used to order venti coffees from Starbucks and made the switch to a grande. Used to get a large mocha frappe from McDonald’s (cause it’s kinda goooood) and am down to a small (which has 460 calories ?!?! wtf). And if im really craving chicken nuggets and fries i get a happy meal and satisfy my cravings. I even grabbed ice cream the other day, ate a bit and then felt fine and put it back.

Sorry for the long post. I still can’t do what others can. And I wish I had lost more. If I wasn’t so lazy and hungry all the time maybe I would have lost 10 or even 15. But I’ll get there. My plan is to lose 50 pounds by August or September. Is that doable? Maybe if I put in more work. But i am proud of myself for this month. The beginning is always the hardest I think. I treated myself to two cookies today. And they were so fucking good.

photos (workout routine and step count)

submitted by /u/hexbags
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Sunday, March 27, 2022

I’m not cut out for being healthy and slim. I’m giving up on losing weight.

I find myself in an endless loop of making some progress and then falling into a binge, over and over and over again.

I spoke to my doctor about my binge eating when I was 15. I spoke to my parents. I spoke to my closest friends. I spoke to 4 different therapists in the span of 6 months because they all ended up downplaying the severity of my B.E.D. since I’m a “healthy” weight. I spoke to dietitians on Instagram and even my school counselor. No one could understand me, so I just stopped reaching out for help and tried to figure my problems out on my own.

I’m about to turn 18 and nothing has changed. I’m 5’7 and weigh 130 lbs. right now. Sure, I lost weight. But it wasn’t even in a healthy way. I still binge and can’t seem to find balance.

My mom is putting a lot of pressure on me to lose 10-15 more pounds to look nice for my graduation. I know she just wants me to eat healthier and tone up but I feel so disappointed not being able to reach that simple goal. I know I’m going to binge more if I try another diet. It really does make me sad to be a quitter but I don’t think I can do this anymore. Good luck to everyone on their own weight loss journeys. You guys can do it.

submitted by /u/Black_Symposium
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I’m struggling a lot when it comes weighing in.

This has been an on going issue since I was a teenager but it’s been getting rapidly worse, as I’m actively trying to lose 30kgs or more. I’ve been getting really upset when there’s constant fluctuations of my weight going up for no reason. Basically whenever I’ve gained more weight when I should be losing it I’ve become very upset then not eat as much food for that day or sometime just give up and eat lots of junk food. But when I’ve lost weight I’m all fine and motivated. I’m 2kgs away from my first goal weight which I’ve been sitting at for nearly a month and nothing is moving. I’m just very upset it makes me feel like giving up on losing more because how long it’s taking. I’ve lost 8kgs in total. My emotions for the day pretty much depend on whether or not I’ve lost or gained weight. It’s very exhausting I don’t know how to deal with this anymore.

submitted by /u/pineapplelover98
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Don’t even know where to start

Most of my life I was pretty thin, I’m 5’2 and at one point I was 125 lbs and feeling great. I ate healthy and did some exercises throughout my week but nothing crazy ( mainly just some small cardio to get myself up and moving) but then I started gaining crazy amounts of weight when no changes were made to my diet. Fast forward I discovered I had issues with my thyroid and it’s affected my metabolism like crazy, I’ve gained like 70 pounds and it won’t come off. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve lost motivation because no matter how good I ate nothing was changing, so I said screw it I’ll just eat what I want since I can’t lose weight anyway. Now I’m done and I mean just done living like this and need to change things but I’ve gotten so far into eating just garbage foods that it seems impossible to get out of. My relationship with really unhealthy foods has gotten terrible and I need help

submitted by /u/WellDamnThatSucks00
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Hit 300…I’m done.

Hit 300…and I’m done.

I’m male 5’9” and I just hit 300. Nothing fits. My sex life is diminished. I’m always tired. I’m sick of it. So I’m done.

I’m going to start counting calories and going on walks. Small steps.

I have always been heavy. Terrible eating habits. The cheap easy access to fast food always does me in.

I’ve had enough though. I can’t stand the constant self loathing. I’m done feeling like crap all the time.

Wish me luck I suppose. I tried keto once. But I think for now I’m just going to limit my calories and try to eat healthier and go on walks.

submitted by /u/jennyfromtheblock777
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breaking point

Well I think I've hit my breaking point. I just balled after getting off the scale. I didn't expect to keep gaining weight after kids. I thought I'd be able to work myself back to my previous weight at the very least. I have hit 240 pounds. I have about 100 pounds to lose and it feels so daunting.

Stats: CW: 240 GW: 145, 28F, 5'8"

Please send me all your advice because I cannot keep going down this road. I don't want my kids to see me as a fat mom. I want them to see a mom who runs around with them.

I don't even know where to start anymore.

submitted by /u/xtayloriz
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Saturday, March 26, 2022

I quit fast food cold turkey 13 days ago and feel so weak, is this normal?

Hi all! Been eating fastfood for most of the pandemic, put on 60 pounds and almost 2 weeks ago, I finally cut it all out my diet. No more sugar, soda, fast food , trans fat, I now eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, white meat, fish, lots of good things. I want to specify I take a little bit of peanut butter and olive oil to have some good fat, I should now feel amazing ...but somehow I feel so weak and lethargic, is this normal? lol

I weight 228 pounds, 6ft, 2700 good calories a day to be around maintenance, not losing weight yet, just wanted to get off the fast food first but diet is amazing, I eat enough calories, I sleep very well, I just feel so tired and it makes it hard to go to the gym and do as much cardio as I'd like to, which will be a problem for weight loss when I start it.

Is this normal? Is this like withdrawal from fast food? Any idea how long this lasts? I quit almost 2 weeks ago but it's becoming problematic. I was mopping the floor at home and felt so tired I almost collapsed to the floor. lol I take fish oil supplements, vitamin D, blood test was perfect, not really any deficiency that we know of, copper seem to be okay, this is strange.

Thank you very much for the infos and insight, have a good night! =)

submitted by /u/NoriyasuSeta
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Concerned about health after 3 months on low calories and intermittent fasting.

I'm 18 at 174cm, I weighed 99kg but now im 84kg.

I've been intermittent fasting for 3 months, did 16/8 then 20/4 and now for the last 2 months I've been eating one meal a day with occasional long fasts from 36 to 48 hours.

I ate about 1200 to 1600 calories on normal days and between 2400 and 3000 calories on the weekend, but now i started to get concerned because some people said it was unhealthy, and after researching a bit i got even more confused, people saying i would get gallstones, dizziness, heart attacks and other problems.

I haven't felt any symptoms or anything but i'm here to ask if i have or am i going to have any problem and also what should i do? ( eat a bit more?)

Thank you for your time.

Edit: Forgot to add, i exercised every day with pushups, squats, abs, burpees and some more.

submitted by /u/_andrei_nuca_
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1 full year without un-needed sugars. 60+lbs down.

I would like to preface this by telling everyone I wrote this in a rush, so sorry for my grammar mistakes!

Hi yall, It has been a while since I last posted, but wanted to update everyone on my weight loss journey. I will get right to it and say I am currently sitting at 207lbs instead of the 274lbs I was during last March. my physical appearance has changed so much and I am so happy that I started this life improvement journey. I have been very lucky through this entire journey as my family has been very supportive of my choice in losing weight. I have as of March 25th, 2022 have gone a full calendar year without none necessary sugar. This means I had cut all sweets of every kind. No candy, sweet desserts, etc. I have been very lucky to get over the cravings in the first few months and be able to hold so strongly after all this time. The only thing I really fell back on after 8 months of cutting soda was I now drink a sugar-free calorie-free soda every blue moon. One of the MANY things I noted on this journey is that my weight loss was that I blasted off like a rocket when losing weight in the beginning but eventually I hit a plateau that caused me not to lose weight for over 2 months. around month 9 I started to not lose weight as quickly as I did when I first began. I realized this was natural and over the next 3 I had lost slowly but surely another 10lbs. It was very discouraging at first, but after looking at this sub and how other people were going through the same thing I realized I was not alone. Every time I would get nervous or think something in my weight-loss journey was going wrong I would come and lurk here for a little bit and eventually find the right information that I needed. Just seeing how this community was here with all the information that it holds really did help me change my life.

Since summer is starting back after that harsh winter (which was colder than I remembered due to losing the 60+lbs of blubber I was carrying around) I am finally going to start going to a full-time gym instead of just using whatever I can find here at my home. I am also going to start following a set meal plan instead of just waking up and making stir fry for the thousandth time. I just wanted to let you guys know that I have not failed my promise to myself and I believe that if I can do it then most people can. Last bit of advice and motivation I will tell you now that the hardest step is the first. If you have trouble going for a walk getting the motivation for that first step will make you do that walk. Getting out with all your gear and headphones on will make you see you have come too far to turn back now. It is not a race it is a challenge that you have put on yourself to do better. Just one foot in front of the other my friends and take that first step. My final note and the best advice I can give to anyone trying to do the same thing as I did is pick your head up and look at yourself in the mirror. Take a deep long look and ask yourself "Is this the person I imagine myself to be? Is this the person I want to be seen as from the point of view of the rest of the world?" if it is? Then you are good! If not? well, get to it bud because you are about to change your life to what you want it to be.

Sincerely your favorite swallow bore coconut,


submitted by /u/The_Migrated_Coconut
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Protein vs fat vs carbs

Which one actually keeps you full longer? I've been told carbs keep you satisfied for a short period of time, but then I hear people say oats keep them going for hours.

I also hear fat is what keeps you full, but then I hear that protein is actually more important. Does protein powder actually do anything for you, or is it like liquid calories even when mixed with oats? Does butter and oil help in keeping you full, or do they just add unnecessary calories?

I have tried eating lupine flakes because they're supposed to be high in protein, but they make me hungry 30 minutes later like oats do.

Can someone dumb this down for this dummy?

submitted by /u/feeliongokau
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new to working out, need advice

•Hello, i am planning to start working out this summer after my college year will end, that being said (as a naturally curvy girl) im planning to enhance my shape and get a more toned hourglass shape, now my question is : will i lose my butt size by working out? If so, how am i supposed to prevent that and give it a better shape? Will my butt get wiggly or sore? Are squats my friend?

•I am a female 18, 160cm in height (5'2 to 5'3), i weigh around a 80ish kgs (idk in lbs), pear body shape.

•I care more about having a smaller waist, more toned legs, flat tummy, nice shoulders/posture, want to keep my butt for sure but i want it in a better shape "get rid of dip hips".

•Cellulite? Yeah would love to get rid of that, also, my butt (naturally is not with that "soft" fat, my fat is that kind of sore one, so hopefully can i get my butt jiggly with work outs, or will them turn it more sore?

•Calorie counting? Yes already did count my as a unactive person for the moment, downloaded my fitnesspal, planned on losing ½kg per week.

•About workouts, im a home work out person, i do workouts from youtube that basically are into getting that "hourglass figure". Is there any advice i can get about that?

submitted by /u/Sol_1881
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Dealing with exercise and satiation

I’m 27m, 6’0, 188 lbs and GW is 175, SW was 212 last summer. I typically do 5-6 hours of running or biking per week with 3 hours of strength training. Typically aim for 2500 calories with the assumption that it’s a 500cal deficit.

Diet is a breakfast of fruit, granola, and yogurt. Lunch is chicken and freezer veggies with hot sauce. Decent variety of stuff for dinner, and a protein shake (50g of whey) every evening. I typically snack on grapes, pickles, cucumbers, and carrots throughout the day.

I’m wondering how to curb hunger. I’ve had such an issue with getting rather hungry 2-3 hours before meals. I usually eat breakfast at 8, lunch around 12, and dinner at 6:30-7. And this can range from “I’m feeling a strong craving for food but might be able to distract myself” to “I have to eat something, I feel faint.”

Water intake is good, I think… try to get at least 2L a day. Never less than 1L.

Any thoughts? I tend to overshoot my calorie goal by 200-300, which I know isn’t the end of the world, but it can lead to bigger binges when I’m not careful. Would love to be able to eat intuitively near weight maintenance in the future, but I also get discouraged because I feel like I tend to intuitively eat well above weight maintenance, and snacking is how it generally manifests.

submitted by /u/vertazontal
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To anyone who knows about period loss

Hey guys, this question is for anyone who knows anything about the topic. I posted the other day, asking about what/how I should eat to get to my fittest self. So far, there has been results with my progress, which is great, but my periods are irregular, and I am really late this month (it hasn't come). Since the start of the month, I am exercising more than ever, and starting just this week, it became 5-6 times a week of working out. What does this mean, and what changes should I make? I still want to exercise, eat on a caloric deficit, in order to lose weight and get toned. Seeking for answers, thank you!

submitted by /u/Tone_Remote
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I'm 5'7 154lbs, & Trying to Lose 20lbs. After 2 weeks, I am still UNABLE To Lose Weight! WTF is going on?!(Male)

Currently 29 years old. Before the pandemic and pretty much most of my life , I was 135 lbs at 5'7. My face was much skinnier, and my gut was slimmer. During the pandemic, I gained so much weight from being lazy and eating lots of junk food + not keeping fit, that I gained a lot of weight. To put things into perspective, in Summer of 2021, I was 165lbs. Face was fatter, clothes didn't fit me anymore, my gut was big.

Late last year, I started walking for 30 min everyday. Along with keeping track of calories, lowering calorie count, cutting fast food, not drinking any juice/soda etc. The pounds went away gradually. From Late February-March, I had an episode of where I lost a dramatic amount of weight and lost my appetite(mental health issues). I went from 160 lbs-154lbs. in that time range

However, for the past two weeks, I have been unable to lose anymore weight! I am still stuck at 154 lbs! Ive been eating at 1500-1600 calories and it feels like hell.

My target goal is to go back to my original weight pre pandemic, which was 135 LBS. Yet I've capped in terms of weight loss. And while I look slimmer, it's not enough. I was way more attractive in my early-mid 20's, compared to being in my late 20's. So I want my face to slim down, fat in my stomach to go away, and to be back to my original weight. i was told that losing weight is mostly diet and I've lowered my calorie intake and cut off junk food,bread, sweets, but still cap in weight


-Originally 135 lbs for most of my life.

-Managed to go up to 165 lbs

-Began counting calories, lowering calorie count, walking for 30 min everyday

-Episode of mine had me lose weight up until being 154 lbs

-For the past two weeks, I have been unable to lose more weight. Need help on what to do next

submitted by /u/Dumbquestion0
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Friday, March 25, 2022

How do I NOT finish my plate?

I was raised never to waste food. I would get in trouble if I didn’t eat my entire lunch or eat everything off my plate. Now I find myself feeling so incredibly guilty wasting food. When I get a set portion in front of me, I feel like I have to eat the whole thing. I got a huge plate of food from a restaurant that I didn’t even really love, and I ate the entire thing! I also find myself never bringing leftovers home from restaurants either because “if it’s not enough for a whole meal, you might as well just finish it all here”. I need to shake what my parents told me, but I just feel so guilty wasting food I paid for :( It just seems so wasteful but now I’m so full and I overate.

submitted by /u/cbcbstargirl
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I failed and I’m having trouble getting back on track

So around July of last year I decided to lose weight without knowing anything about dieting and was consuming pretty low calories for my size and height. While dropping weight i changed my lifestyle too like eating more healthier and exercising daily but i was still consuming too few calories to sustain myself.I stuck to it for a long time and managed to drop a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I realized that I wasn’t feeling good at all after the long time of not eating enough and decided to stop dieting and take a break. Got checked by a doctor and by surprised I was told that I was malnourished. I decided to take a break from exercise and dieting and man things went down hill from there. Not eating enough led me to binge and binge a lot. Day after the binges I couldn’t even make it to the gym because I was feeling so sluggish. The binges kept going on and gained alot of weight back and it’s just making me feel bad about myself because I really did it to myself. I ate too few calories for a person who was really active at the time. I’m just another loser who I guess crash dieted too long and now is regaining all the weight back. I’m trying hard to go back to my lifestyle but my energy is so low for some reason now causing me to wake up really late and not feel motivated. I really lost all hope for myself and I guess I was always meant to be a “bigger” person.

submitted by /u/Plutias
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What kind of negative comments do people make about your weight loss?

It seems like people are always telling me to be careful not to get “too thin” and saying they are “just concerned”. I’ve barely even begun to loose weight and I’m not even telling people about it, but some have picked up on me eating less or going out to eat less and it’s almost like they are saying “oh! You aren’t trying to loose weight are you?” I feel like we could make a bingo card of passive aggressive or just straight up aggressive phrases that people say to us and turn it into a game. What would be on your bingo card?

submitted by /u/chackzo
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Day one of getting back in shape. This is a lazy winter unfortunately…

…not too lazy though! 5,000-6,000 steps a day usually! And I would work out occasionally, just not regularly like I should, and get long walks in on warmer days even if that wasn’t often! I only gained 2 pounds this winter, and that’s at a normal weight. I’m 5’1, so 2 pounds kind of is more than what it sounds like, but that will come off in the summer because I’ll enjoy being active! Outdoor activities can be more enjoyable than working out.

It doesn’t help that I don’t like the cold now lol. Neither do most people over here where I live, regardless of weight, because we don’t go outside much here in the winter! But I used to be brave about going outside…that changed as I got older, nothing to do with losing weight, just more used to indoors as I don’t go out as much and I have a little bit of a safety instinct about cold, like I’m my own mom lol. I’m 25, not 21 anymore!

So I’ve been spending just a little bit of time waiting outside in the cold and saving a little more energy to get used to it. This will get easier. That “safety instinct” to avoid cold even for less than a minute doesn’t help with activity.

I’m not at an ideal weight after this winter, but still in the normal range. I’ll up my steps, eat 200-300 fewer calories than before, and reward myself when I get to 119 pounds, with an outdoor concert given that the weather will be warmer by then (slow loss).

submitted by /u/Fantastic-Judgment-2
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Day 1 of Weight-Loss Journey Log

stats: 18F 5'7 (SW: 133 lbs. CW: 133 lbs. GW: 115 lbs.)

breakfast: eggs, sausage, and a plum

lunch: 8 pc. chic-fil-a nuggets with medium fries

dinner: pesto pasta and a can of coconut water

workout: Pamela Reif 15 min. Boxing Cardio, Pamela Reif 12 Min. Happy Cardio

thoughts: I'm really proud of myself for not snacking today. I definitely think that I could have made some wiser food choices but as long as I don't binge, I can't complain. I am recovering from bulimia and would like to lose some weight in a non-restrictive way. I've been able to get away with maintaining this weight while eating slightly unhealthy for the past year. So I think that as long as I cut down on snacking and start working out, I should shed a few pounds. If I reach my goal weight, that's great but if I don't, I just hope that I'll have a healthier relationship with food before I go to college. That's all for today.

submitted by /u/Pudding_theKitten
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Body fat percentage after cutting

I’m 21, 6’0, 190.5 lbs, at 18% body fat. Body composition described below:

• 34.2 lbs body fat mass

• 41.9 lbs lean dry lean mass

• 114.4 lbs total body water

According to this tdee calculator, I should be getting in 2,435 cal / day if I wanted to cut (I put “moderate exercise” since I gym 5x a week).

I’m currently trying a 2,000 cal / day diet, which is a deficit of around 900 cal / day or 1.8 lbs / week (assuming a deficit of 500 cal / day is equivalent to losing 1 lb / week).

I want to cut for 8 weeks, which means I’ll lose 1.8 lbs / week * 8 weeks = 14.4 lbs, and I’ll weigh somewhere around 190.5 - 14.4 = 176 lbs post-cut.

Is there a way to know what my body fat percentage will be at the end of the cut? Or do I have to go get a body composition test again?

submitted by /u/knownoman
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I am hitting rock bottom and cant stop it

Emotional eating has been my problem all my life however i always managed to lose weight. This time circumstances are really hard, worse than ever. First and the most important issue is, i became software engineer and this naturally makes my life very sedentary and drain all my energy so i am left with nothing. This is the biggest issue because after work there is very little time and i am not the kind of person who can just add exercise to the schedule after work, its just too much plans and tasks for my brain, i need time to cool off and do nothing, not just run to the gym. And i also need to sleep longer. I never had such brutal schedule with very little time free. The second issue, which actually escalated everything was specific life event, concussion which impacted my eye sight and made looking at computers very hard. This brought insane stress to my life. However, things are alot better these days, my eyes recovered alot, i do some exercises and even though they need to recover more, they are managable, i can code with slight discomfort. However all this stress together with empty life made me go over the line a lot worse then ever. I am scared to measure myself and i cant even stop this going worse. When i was student or worked jobs with fewer hours there was room for me to do physical activity. Now its all just a cycle of stress, emotional eating and barely moving around. Needless to say, i have asthma and my body is not enjoying this. I am diggiing myself in a deep hole.

submitted by /u/lungsofdoom
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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Do People Dislike Me Because Of My Weight/Being Ugly

I’m going to admit. I’m having a rough week. I just started a job after seven years of not having one from chronic illness, and it’s as a bank teller, which is not something I aspire to be, so I’ve been having a difficult time. Im only in training right now.

Anyway. I feel like, somehow again, I am bumping heads with people there. Im sure it’s just how it is. Office politics. I don’t think I’ve had a job long enough (from being unwell, much better now thankfully) to understand these stupid dynamics. The cattiness. Being perceived a certain way—my new manager thought I was giving her an attitude because I answered, “What?” when she said my name—even when I don’t believe I’m doing anything for that to happen.

I’ve always been in these situations. Maybe everyone has. And maybe this is a stupid question because no one here can see me and everyone probably goes through crap day in and day out, and maybe I’m just extra sensitive for some reason. But I’m really starting to feel like I am treated badly/disrespected/singled out because I’m not perceived as attractive. Im not sure if it’s because im actually just ugly, face wise, or perceived as ugly because of my weight. Im 300ish pounds. Working on losing. And im actually really proud of myself for doing really well this week, and controlling myself when I wanted to biiiiinge today.

I don’t think anyone has ever seen me as hot. I was only thin once. I got some attention. A decent amount. Way more than before. I was called cute a lot. Isn’t that sort of code for ugly? I don’t know.

Is anyone else here that’s SMO find themselves in these same positions?

submitted by /u/EBeewtf
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Where do you all find your recipes?

I search for recipes on Skinny Taste sometimes, but I'm looking for some fresh new recipes. Where do you all have the most success with finding a wide variety of delicious recipes that aren't super high in calories?

While you're here, feel free to drop your favorite one-pot, meal prep, or casserole meal staples that have been tasty and effective on your weight loss journey!

One recent one I've been really into is Skinny Taste's "cheeseburger casserole". I have been making it with veggie meat, Banza chickpea noodles, and full fat cheddar. The recipe says it's 9 servings but I usually divide it into 6 servings and it's about 400 calories and 30g of protein.

submitted by /u/Suspicious_gremlin
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Psychological component of maintenance as a smaller person

[this is me thinking out loud/rant about maintenance.]

At 5’5 I am not a short woman. But I am smallish and certainly smaller than most men. I’ve been trying to figure out why maintenance has been a hard concept for me. I changed my calories in MFP today to maintenance and initially felt a wave of relief… but then dread? Dread that my maintenance was only 200 cal more than my cut (which was purposeful! I wanted to lose slowly!).

I think it’s because as a shorter person, it’s ingrained in me that 200 calories is the difference between gaining, maintenance, and loss. And so because I’ve been so careful these last few weeks, the idea of eating 200 cal more is very odd.

Like… someone who was cutting a 500 cal deficit could still eat more than the deficit and lose weight. I couldn’t really do that. And now I’m asking myself mentally to be okay with the one thing I couldn’t do—eat 200 more calories.

Ahhh it’s so silly! I’ve been cranky and tired and bloated. I need to eat at maintenance—I reached my goal! But it felt weird changing my goal in MFP!

submitted by /u/SpecialsSchedule
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 24

Hello wonderful losers!

Day 24! Are you guys thinking about what April’s goals will be yet? Yeah, me neither. Let’s put that off for tomorrow!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Missed it this morning. Wasn’t in the head space to use that information kindly. 23/24 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: Swing and a miss today. I know better than to get into anything sweet early in the day but I did it. Tomorrow is a new opportunity for success even if today wasn’t a complete victory. 14/19 days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day. 18/24 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital tappy tap. And therapy which is verbal journaling with a sane person there to check your shit.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for how beautiful a spring day today was. Mountains, sunshine, a very lively breeze.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): I intend to find more joy in my body. It’s been a bit of a struggle lately & I want to reclaim it. I’m saying it again because it wasn’t so much a success the first try. Still trying! Looking for some sensory grounding exercises if you all have any ideas. I’m going to have a long bath tonight & see how that suits my senses! We’ll call this a work in progress. This isn’t going great, but I’m going to keep at it. Loudly, until it works.

Respond to y’all one day a week: Managed to chat with y’all at least once a week so far!

Your turn! How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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Losing all my progress and it's not my fault

I'm 15 and live with my dad. It's just us. I was always a chunky kid (I remember having to wear age 12-13 clothes when I was 10) and then covid happened and I sat at home and ate too much and let myself go and got really fat. Just over a year ago I made a change. My dad eat really unhealthy so I start making my own food and I took up running and the gym. I've lost 15kg so far, and I'm proud of that. Or I had.

A few weeks ago my dad say that everything is too expensive and that he won't pay for me to eat my own food anymore. He works at a take out and gets free leftovers so he said it didn't make sense to pay twice for dinner. He also cancel the gym member ship. There is no healthy food in the house, only crisps and chocolate and bread and every night he gets us a big takeaway and he's one of those people who doesn't like to waste food and I have to clear my plate (probably how I got fat in the first place). It's probably close to the days calories in that meal alone.

You could say it is my fault still, because I do eat these things. I'm trying everything I can. I'm picking the healthy option in the school canteen and I've started leaving some. I'm running and doing bodyweight exercises two times a day (I have exams soon and I don't have time to do more). I skip breakfast. But I've still managed to put 5 whole kilos back on.

The part that is my fault is that I do eat the snacks at home if I get hungry because there's nothing else there. I got in this habit during covid times of eating one of those big chocolate bars in one sitting, or a share pack bag of crisps. It was tough to stop but I managed it. I'd have healthy popcorn or a protein bar and that would satisfy me. Not there's no other option but to have the chocolate or crisps and it is getting harder and harder to stop falling back into bad habits.

I've tried to talk with him about it and in the end its just 'my house, my rules'. Does anyone have any suggestions of other things I could do? I'm worried I'm going down this slippery slope and will end up just as fat as I was before. Thank you.

submitted by /u/dfittness
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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

How to loose weight over 40... Any advice?

I heard it is really hard to loose weight after 40...I turned 43 this year. I gained 50 pounds in the last 2 years, as the results of stress, pandemic, bad breakup and illness.

I finally found the courage to start my weight loss journey, which scares me quite a lot, I must admit..

I am more motivated than ever! Just found some super cute weight loss tracker online to helps me track my progress, I am now ready to start!!

Do you have any other advice for me on "how to loose weight over 40"?

submitted by /u/Mathilda18
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 23

Hello wonderful losers!

Wednesday! The middliest of day of the week!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Got it this morning. 23/23 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: Swing and a miss today. I know better than to get into anything sweet early in the day but I did it. Tomorrow is a new opportunity for success even if today wasn’t a complete victory. 14/18 days.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): 30 minute stationary bike. Too many rest days in a row blech. 18/23 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: Digital tappy tap.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for a potentially short walk.

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): I intend to find more joy in my body. It’s been a bit of a struggle lately & I want to reclaim it. I’m saying it again because it wasn’t so much a success the first try. Still trying! Looking for some sensory grounding exercises if you all have any ideas. I’m going to have a long bath tonight & see how that suits my senses! We’ll call this a work in progress. This isn’t going great, but I’m going to keep at it.

Respond to y’all one day a week: Managed to chat with y’all at least once a week so far!

Your turn! How was your day?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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weightloss journey 203 to 125

I started at a whopping 205 started calorie counting the third day in. I have already lost 2lbs. I live in a group home, so it is hard to control what I eat so I just portion control what I eat. I stopped drinking the kool-aid, and am stopping the night time snack. I walk three hours a day, I know that is a lot but my medication has caused me to gain a ton of weight in a short amount of time, I don't have to live this way. I am 5 ft 3in.

submitted by /u/Hot-Palpitation-3621
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I’m very nervous about future loose skin

I understand that it’s not predictable whether or not I’ll have it once I lose weight, but I would like to state that is isn’t coming as malicious or hateful. Over the years, growing up I’ve felt with horrible self image issues (bullying for being fat, wearing glasses, having a gummy smile) anything that you could think of I grew up with issues in that from family but mostly schoolmates. I know it’s in the past but it holds so much on me. I also understand that’s it’s me who will see the loose skin and future partner…but I feel so guilty feeling this way. People say, “well it’s better than being fat and unhealthy.” And I get that, but I worked so hard to get in shaped and to be left with loose skin would cause me more body issues. Yes, there is loose skin removal, but I’m nervous to ever consider that. I don’t have good genes, I’m 29F 5’2. Started at 212 and trying to get to 130. Is there any way to prevent some of it? I was thinking about losing 1 pound a week (if possible and I know it won’t always be that way), drinking more water and strength training. Again, if you find this post mean…I truly don’t want it to reflect on you like that. This is a problem within myself that I’m facing and how I value me. Thanks.

submitted by /u/-Yooniverse-
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I can only tell when I've lost weight because strangers are, all of a sudden, really nice to me

So I have ~major~ body dysmorphia. Im 24yo now but weight wise I've been 260 at my highest (17/18ish) and 150 at my lowest (19/20) I don't weigh myself anymore cause I've dealt with bulimia and anorexia so it's just easier and healthier for me to go by how I feel. It's pretty impossible to go by how I look because well... i have no idea how I look. I didn't realize I had a thigh gap before someone commented on my snapstory about it. BUT I can always tell when I'm at a "decent" weight because strangers will be so nice to me.

I assumed I lost weight recently because I've been swimming regularly and lifting weights too if I have the energy. I've also been forced to eat really healthy (basically raw food diet healthy) because there's lead in my water and I didn't find out until my diet was fucked up and I was too tired to move (ended up in urgent care). Months later eating out is still a challenge.

I assumed right because these past couple of days men have been ~really nice~ to me. Going out of their way in stores to talk to me. Employees attitudes at my gym and pool are all of a sudden more cheery tward me and strangers will randomly complement me. Not just men but people of any age, men have been more adamant though. Ill catch more eyes on me when I'm swimming. Going to the bars, I've been paying less and less for my nights out.

This also happened when I was at 150, but i thought it was just because i was in a much better mood because the only thing i noticed differently about myself was my mental state. My friends would make jokes about it, when we would go out shopping or to bars because people would just give me free things ~all the time~. I was like "its because I'm nice :)" and they'd be like "not it's because you're hot and skinny". And on god that's when I was like " skinny?" Because never in my LIFE had I been called skinny. I've always been bigger.

I like my body no matter what weight I'm at. I prefer to have a bit more fat on me cause when I was at my lowest I hated how my skin hanged and I lost my ass and tits :l

But DAMN like I wish it wasn't so obvious sometimes? Like I'm the SAME EXACT PERSON but now everyone wants to switch up and be my friend and now all these complements are comming out the woodwork 😐 it's nice but frustrating at the same time. Like my social life literally gets so much harder at a certain weight and that's such bullshit. God forbid I have a stomach.

Tldr: I got mad body dysmorphia and I can track my weightloss by the amount of complements I get in a day :l it's dumb and we should complement everyone because all bodies are beautiful bodies

submitted by /u/watshouldiget4dinner
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10 Science -Backed Hacks to lose weight for precise (without ravenous)

We’ve all been there: leaping from one fad eating regimen to another, only to advantage the burden returned (plus a bit extra). The truth?...