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Weight Loss for Everyone: Im feeling finally better after changing what i eat.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Im feeling finally better after changing what i eat.




A little bit of my Story: So my story started when i first got a job(my first job) as a CallAgent in a pretty decent CallCenter, i was very happy as a 18 year old should be but not knowing at that time that it would in some moments literally ruin my life. I live in a 3rd World Country and getting that Job was a blessing in disguise, it helped me and my family financially a lot!! But that did cost me my health and in 5 years i gained around 50kg.. Always sitting not moving except when i had lunch break( i ate and then i did just sit till my shift was over) i became Obese and i ignored it most of the time or i did just play dumb to trick my own brain that everything is fine till one day my friends organised a hiking trip, i loved hiking so much and it is a passion for me but i didnt do it for a long time and i "forgot" that i became so Obese, when we got ready and finally started 50 meters from where we were was a really beautiful lake and to go to that lake we had to climb around 30-35 stairs, i started to climb the stairs laughing and ended up at the 18th stair close to crying with no breath sweating like a pig, i was sweating so much like i had done a 2 hour jogging session, i literally couldnt get enough air into my lungs and my legs did feel like jelly from just 18stairs.. My original weight was always before my job, 85kg and i used to hike 8 to 15km a day with my friends, i had to stop the hike and my friends felt bad for letting me stay alone so they stoped it to which mad me feel like a complete asshole, i was so angry at myself and that night i really thought a lot about my health the weight i gained what consequences that would have for my future, countless memories did came into my mind that i did hide as the years passed the many stares i got from family and friends for getting so much weight the talking behind ur back i was near a mental breakdown, but thankfully i did overcome that through that night because i thought to myself that i can change that, i have the the power to change myself and to be healthier in every way possible and eventually i did start( i did start this January 28). I quit my Job for some time (ofc i did that knowing that im financially stable now) to fully invest myself into losing my weight and getting to my former weight of 85kg.

So now i have a question: i did completely change the way i eat i cut all of the sugar,drinks,sweets and many other unhealthy things, and started a diet this January 28th and i have maintained it, thats like 9 days i know but im honestly proud of myself bc i could do 9 days i have the courage and willpower to do months now! So my question is in my diet i eat only once in 24hours around 5pm that diet includes (250gr chicken breast, 1 carrot, 2 green peppers, 1 onion and garlic and 1 egg and i drink 3 to 4L of water a day) is it to much or to little? What should i change or add? What other meals besides this can i try that has low Kcal? Is my start to rapid or should i keep this pace up? can i do this for more than 3 months? please if someone has done the same tell me ur experience ;)

P.s i did start walking for 1 hour a day and jogg for 20min for the beginning.
pp.s i have a stable medical condition.

submitted by /u/roidebs
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