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Weight Loss for Everyone: Help with a gym routine?

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Help with a gym routine?

Im 22f, recently gained a lot of weight over quarantine and really want to lose it as none of my clothes fit comfortably.

I’ve managed to lose 7lbs so far with very little effort as I really was just overeating prior. However I’d like to lose about another 14lbs of fat amd then maybe gain some muscle.

Im aware that exercise is a key part of this and I do go to the gym and enjoy doing so. However, I’m very anxious whilst I’m in there about whether I look daft or not.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on a few of my goals?

Even when I was at my lowest weight, I’ve always had saddlebags and disproportionately large thighs. Does anyone know what would shrink this, specifically the bulk at the top of my thighs.

I also have a lot of belly fat, specifically lower and and around the hips.

Basically, if anyone would be willing to help me out together a routine, that would be great because I really don’t want to be doing the wrong thing and wasting effort.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/darjeelingwhitman
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