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Weight Loss for Everyone: First time ever

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

First time ever

Hey everyone, I usually just read everyone’s posts and sometimes try to offer advice but for the first time I’m actually posting about my personal experience. I started using the loseit app in early September, skeptical about it’s effectiveness since i felt like nothing would work.

I have PCOS, and that by default makes it difficult to lose weight. I had stagnant thinking that I would never lose weight again because of my metabolic disorder. It’s also good to mention that I did find a caring specialist that put me on metformin and that was helpful in regulating my insulin.

I know this isn’t an every day story and may not apply to everyone, but for the first time in the last 3 years I’ve had significant weight loss (10lbs). I didn’t have to make radical changes to my eating besides avoiding bread, sugar, and cooking more at home versus buying outside food. I count my calories and it’s been extremely helpful in learning my eating patterns.

This is to tell you that all journeys are not the same. It will be confusing, it’s trial and error, but i promise you as long as you do not stop you will find a way to make it work for you.

Feel free to share your story with me.

submitted by /u/aleiriana
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