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Weight Loss for Everyone: Wow, it adds up fast!

Monday, July 11, 2022

Wow, it adds up fast!

I tried to track my calories today (as I have tried to do so many times before) but went so over it's almost comical.

I woke up this morning with stars in my eyes, thinking today's the day I finally turn things around, get into a groove, and lose this extra 40 pounds. I had a great breakfast (homemade berry smoothie with protein powder, then iced coffee with zero-calorie sweetener, then later a bowl of cereal). I skipped the second giant bowl of cereal I usually have mid-morning and felt pretty great about that, albeit a little deprived.

I'm used to overeating and having whatever I want, whenever I want, so I still had starry eyes and felt like I was winning as I sipped lemon seltzer instead. Then, when I logged my lunch (veggie sandwich with cheese and hummus, and not even on the good bread I wanted!) I somehow ended up with only 150 calories left for my daily budget of 1,400, as recommended by the LoseIt app.

Shocking, but no big deal. I still had an hour-long workout scheduled, and figured I could go lighter on dinner. I also thought maybe it'd be okay to go over and end up closer to 1,800 calories. That'd still be a deficit from my usual day of binge eating where I probably eat closer 3,000 calories a day. (So much cereal and sugary snacks...)

Speaking of, I also went to Target to pick up a few things and somehow made it past the cookie and donuts, which I'd typically buy and eat 3 or 4 of in the car before even getting home. I picked a low-calorie probiotic drink instead and felt like such a badass for displaying such self control.

Yet here I am, just logged dinner and I'm ending the day at about 2,800 calories. That's including the workout I logged, but have yet to do and probably will skip because I'm so discouraged. I've already given up and want so badly to go into the kitchen and stress eat.

I know it's not about being perfect every day, and that small changes (like not having that second bowl of cereal) will add up over time if I just stick with it and don't go off the wagon. But it still feels so discouraging to try hard all day and not land anywhere near my goal.

I'm so disheartened and feel like it'd be easier if I continue to eat whatever I want, especially if trying (and still feeling so deprived!) didn't get me anywhere near my goal.

Anyway, just wanted to rant about how quickly calories add up, even when trying to cut back, and how my goal seems so so far away. The fact I'd have to cut back even more and repeat this process hour after hour, day after day, for months on end. Oof.

submitted by /u/justwanttovent1111
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