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Weight Loss for Everyone: I want to live the life I daydream about

Monday, July 25, 2022

I want to live the life I daydream about

I should preface this by saying that I know the title sounds a little cringe. But bare with me. I have been big my whole life. I'm currently at my highest weight of 300lbs at 5'4 with a VSG surgery appointment. My entire family on both sides are big, my dad is 6'5 weighs like 375 and my mom is 5'3 and weighs about 250 and I'm not even gonna get into aunts/uncles because you get the idea. A few years ago, I had a run in with drugs that spiraled an eating disorder. I went from 250 to 180 in about 4 months. Everyone told me how good I looked, and I thrived off of it. I met my now husband, sobered up, and now I'm huge. I want SO badly to live the life of the person who goes to the gym (I love the gym), eats clean/healthy, has a great job, but mostly is just all around happy. After years of therapy and medications on and off, turns out I'm autistic. My husband and I talk all the time about being those people but he doesn't want to go to the gym, and we're both out of motivation in the health department. Which brings me to my questions for you guys. Is that "healthy couple" life really attainable? What steps do we take to get there? If you kinda live that life, how do you juggle it all? If you're autistic, do you have any tips/recommendations? Basically any information and advice is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/sneepersnopper
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