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Weight Loss for Everyone: Been in a stall for ten days and in fact gained a bit of weight when I should've lost two pounds. What could be the reason?

Monday, July 11, 2022

Been in a stall for ten days and in fact gained a bit of weight when I should've lost two pounds. What could be the reason?

This may be a bit long, but I'm adding a lot of information that's usually asked to OPs when they make their posts, such as whether they're weighing everything, their deficits and so forth. To save everyone time I'm just adding all the possible info so no one has to ask those questions.

From July 1st (the day I incidentally reached my lowest weight during this weight loss journey) to 9th I should've lost two pounds, but I only ended up gaining. I got my period during the first, so I understand the 3lb fluctuations, but it's been a week since my period ended (lasted three days) and the weight's gone up and stalled. I was 3.5lbs over until last night. I weighed myself this morning and was 0.7 lbs above my lowest weight, so I guess it's okay those extra lbs are gone, but that still means no loss and a 0.7lb gain after ten days.

Some relevant info:

Female, age 25, 229.7lbs (229 from ends of June to July 1st), 5'7, 2180 TDEE.

I log everything, absolutely everything, religiously. I weigh even a teaspoon of any seasoning. I do not use oil or cooking spray, haven't since I started this journey on May 11th. I do not drink my calories (no coffee, no sodas, no milk, no juice). Drinking water for me has always been insanely easy, I love it, so I drink up to 5 litres per day. I added up my deficit from the 1st to 9th and it amounted to 7,326. Some days I ate very little (1,380 was my highest deficit, not saying it was healthy, just adding all relevant info) because I've been having a depressive episode, but when I did eat, I made sure to get good protein. I know that I'm not overeating. I know that I'm weighing my food properly. I know I'm counting my calories correctly and I even consider the fact companies are allowed a 20% margin error, so I always account for those small possibilities, too. Either way, I don't see how I could've gained 0.7lbs or why the weight refuses to go down.

Is it possible my body's simply adapted to the deficit and it's burning calories more slowly? I've read a lot of posts here and some people say this happens and they suggest eating at maintenance for a short while. Or could it be that it's water weight that won't go away? I drink so much water that I imagined it couldn't be water weight for ten whole days since supposedly the more water you drink, the less your body has to hold onto it. It's... frustrating to not see the scale budge. I don't feel particularly different, either. Should I just be more patient?

submitted by /u/majiingilane
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