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Weight Loss for Everyone: A year full of positives!

Monday, July 11, 2022

A year full of positives!

Hey everyone, I’ve been a part of this sub for a very VERY long time but have never posted. I’ve lost weight a couple of times before but it has never felt as good as it does now. When I’ve done it in the past I had people in my life who were unsupportive and even some who downright objected my goals to lose weight and become a healthier person. If you have any people like that in your life, cut them off. (If you can of course) It helps with your mental health on this journey so much. I’ve seen so many negative posts in this sub recently that I wanted to dump some positivity on top of it all! In the past year I’ve gone from 115 > 101 KGs (at like 5’7ish) I’m a big boi, and while I’m still very far from my goal, I feel so much better. The friends I surround myself with are encouraging and supportive, the people at work have said I have so much more energy and it’s like I’m a completely different person! And honestly it feels like it too! Ever since I set my mind to this goal, I’ve felt determined and energetic. Ready to do anything to succeed I even got called handsome by an elderly lady the other day which is just chef’s kiss Now exactly a year ago I was feeling the exact opposite, I was dreading waking up, I didn’t want to even walk outside because I didn’t want anyone to see me. I had people holding me back from what I wanted to do, disregarding how I felt and telling me I was fine the way I was, in my mental state I clearly was not lol. I’m posting this cause I know there are going to be some new people here who are facing the same challenges. I know you hear it all the time and probably roll your eyes, but take it from me. It does get easier. Not every day, not every week even but every month little by little it gets a bit easier… and you’ll notice yourself getting happier and happier. Obviously there are still challenges along the way but I take them head on now I hope you all reach your goals ❤️

submitted by /u/Cagum
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