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Weight Loss for Everyone: Umm, okay, I need advice

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Umm, okay, I need advice

Okay, so here’s the deal: I’m fat as fuck.

So while being fat is not in itself the most terrible condition to be in, this is getting quite bad health-wise.

I’ll give a bit of background before asking for advice. I’m (21M) an international student who got to the US (NYC, to be precise) back in September 2021. When I got to the US, I used to weigh somewhere between 170 - 175 lbs (I’m 5’11”). However, I fell in love just a little too much with the Halal carts and NYC Halal in general. I would often get lamb over rice like nine times a week, and I didn’t care very much for healthy stuff (as you might predict, this bit me in the arse; more later). Even worse, I was so focused on school work that I didn’t really do that much exercise (I want to say I’m justified here, but I’d probably be lying to myself, so there’s that) apart from the occasional 15 push-ups a month (you didn’t see that coming, did you)

So here I am ten months since September, one inch shorter, weighing 90 pounds more, discovering that I’m now properly obese, and learning that my favourite Halal meal is almost 1000 calories large. Fun times.

More to the point now: I know that I obviously need to change my lifestyle and all of that, but I really have no concrete idea how, and at what rate. I’m not the wealthiest (at all), and most cheap meals have so many calories (again, not giving myself excuses here, it’s just what it is). Also, I’m pretty sure I can’t stand gyms, so I’m not sure how much of an effective strategy that is long term (you can correct me if this is a terrible mentality). What I’m really asking for is what you think is a reasonable daily, consistent strategy to lose weight in a reasonable amount of time, given the other factors I’ve described above.

So yeah, that’s it. Thanks for going through all of that if you did—you’re a true internet friend. Cheers!

submitted by /u/raggedyman2012
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