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Weight Loss for Everyone: I am an emotional eater with severe mental health problems. Psychiatrist wants me on Ozempic

Sunday, February 12, 2023

I am an emotional eater with severe mental health problems. Psychiatrist wants me on Ozempic

Hi everyone. I am a 25 y/o female and I lost 100 pounds when I was 20 before Covid happened and my depression became extremely bad. I gained back all that weight plus 60 lbs more while emotional eating due to severe depression.

Long story short, it recently got to the point where my doctor suggested ECT as one of the “final” options. I did ECT for a long time and actually lost 30 pounds without trying because I literally had no time to eat. I was either fasting in preparation for being put under anesthesia, sleeping off the anesthesia (they had to give me more than average), or focusing on hydrating an extreme amount so they could give me my IV (I have extremely bad veins).

Now I am done with my ECT course because my memory loss was pretty bad. I am back to trying to lose weight, but I am still very depressed at times and during those times I eat A LOT to comfort myself. I brought this up with my psychiatrist and he wants me to see my GP about Ozempic because at this point I am 270 lbs at 5’9” which is…. a lot. It’s not like the celebrities people are talking about who are using the medicine for aesthetic reasons, but I also hear there is a shortage and diabetic people need it? Also, I cannot remember if I brought this up with my therapist because of my memory problems, but I do see her every week. She has given up all her patients except for me in favor of doing testing full-time. She is a VERY good doctor who I trust 100%, as is my psychiatrist and GP.

I am in a bit of a bind here guys, and I am completely lost. When I do ECT, I am happy and lose weight, but my memory problems increase. I am also at a dangerously high weight, but I literally can at most only remember the past week.


Also, please feel free to ask any questions you have, but I may fall asleep as I take some meds that cause sleepiness. Thanks 🙏🏻

submitted by /u/WimiTheWimp
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