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Weight Loss for Everyone: Super disheartened with weight loss

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Super disheartened with weight loss

I'm just so frustrated and disgusted with myself. I just weighed myself and I'm at 311 lbs. I don't understand why I'm constantly gaining weight. I only eat 2 meals a day but I'm still gaining weight. I live on a college campus so I have a dining plan and it just seems like losing weight while eating at the dining halls is impossible.

I've lost weight before, which is the most frustrating part. 3 years ago I went from 260 to 200 in about 8 months. I had to lose the weight for surgery, but then I quickly gained it all back. Then a year later I went through a breakup and gained even more back, and that's where I'm at now. I feel so worthless, disgusting, and unattractive. I've lost so much mobility and can barely walk for 10 minutes or go up one flight of stairs without getting out of breath.

I have a horrible relationship with food, I've never been diagnosed with an eating disorder but I know there's something wrong with me. When I try to diet I think about nothing but food and calories. It's how I lost the weight the first time but I was miserable cause I couldn't think about anything else. I'm trying to be gentler on myself this time, and not restrict so much (I was doing 1200-1500 calories per day the first time I lost the weight), so I aim for 2000 calories per day now. But I'm just constantly hungry no matter how much I eat.

Literally any advice would be so greatly appreciated. Anything about how to not feel so hungry all the time, how to be more consistent and not binge eat, low calorie filling snacks, literally anything. Everything just feels so hopeless right now.

submitted by /u/Boring-Earth-2802
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