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Weight Loss for Everyone: First 10lbs Lost!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

First 10lbs Lost!

I'm feeling really optimistic and proud of myself. I Started March 11 and since then i'm officially 10 lbs down! Since childhood i had been overweight, and id always been scared to take on this journey. My confidence and self esteem had been low , and id always compared myself to my skinny friends. My weight has been consistently going up since 10 years old, and i had been afraid to take the reigns as I have grown up in a household with very poor eating habits and diet culture. Since I can remember my parents had always been trying the new fad diets and always failing. I've seen them cut out everything - candy, lactose, bread you name it. I've seen how miserable they were doing these, and so this is all my perception ever was of weight loss and diets- complete misery and missing your favourite foods. Finally i've down my own research and came across CICO. The scale has been steadily going down since I started, and i'm SUPER proud of myself! I never thought I could be doing this, but i'm feeling stronger by the day. While 10lbs isn't enough to physically notice i sure can feel the difference. Out of 80lbs weight loss goal, im 1/8th the way done! Im ready to become the best version of myself, and I hope i stay consistent!

submitted by /u/shimmeringrosee
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