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Weight Loss for Everyone: Family wants to start a 3 month fitness challenge, how should we measure?

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Family wants to start a 3 month fitness challenge, how should we measure?

So my mother pitched the idea that we all pitch in $25 and whoever is the winner at the end of three months wins the money. The only problem is I am 210lbs and would like to lose weight and build muscle, my brother is 260+ and then my wife mother and sister in law all want to just lose weight. I feel like pounds lost isn’t very good, and I feel like percentage lost isn’t accurate either as someone who loses body fat and gains muscle isnt given their fair shot.

So how do we account for the various goals? I want to lose fat and gain muscle, my brother wants to mainly focus on weight loss.

We do t have the resources to go get super accurate body composition tests, basically we have a scale and access to a tape measure in terms of recording results.

submitted by /u/brohemoth06
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