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Weight Loss for Everyone: Are there any apps or programs for kids that need to lose weight?

Monday, April 25, 2022

Are there any apps or programs for kids that need to lose weight?

My daughter is 8 and is obese. She has been going to the doctor every 6 months for check-ins due to her weight. The doctor’s only suggestion was to “cut chocolate milk” — although she hasn’t drank chocolate or whole milk in years. She plays sports. I can control what she eats when she’s with me, but she snatches snacks from people at school and helps herself to seconds of snacks at her after-school program. I’d like for her to try to track what she eats in the hopes that she’ll see that sneaking snacks is a problem for reaching her goal. I know the Lose-It app is for 18+. Any advice on an app that allows tracking for kids?

Edit: thanks for the advice. I’ll get her an appointment with a new pediatrician, and ask for a childhood obesity / childhood dietician referral in my area.

submitted by /u/sprjcjeueb
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