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Weight Loss for Everyone: Started CICO. How is everyone NOT obese?!

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Started CICO. How is everyone NOT obese?!

Its boggled my mind a little. I am a male 230 pounds currently 5'10. Goal weight is 170 - 180.TDEE currently says my maintenance calories = 2600.

Cutting calories is 2100. Based of light exercise.

I record everything, Oils sauces, milk etc. If i go out for a coffee at costa ill find it on my fitness pal and ill add any food i have there aswell.

My point is how is everyone not already obese?! People here in this sub are doing mental gymnastics to just try and figure out how stay under 2000 calories for the day. Measuring and picking specific foods. Or finding ways to do high volume eating to just stay full. Intermitting fasting.

Yet there's millions of other people who are snacking on anything they like each day not even thinking about what they're consuming and remaining at a healthy weight.

Restaurant food is FILLED with calories and people eat out all the time. People glug olive oil onto their pans. Slap full fat butter onto toast. Peanut butter sandwiches. A bowl full of granola cereal. Snacks in between meals. Getting milk shakes from Starbucks.

It feels like unless you ARE actively tracking your calories then it feels like it is almost a certainty you will gain weight. Does anyone else feel like this?

submitted by /u/Atlantic_Apple
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