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Weight Loss for Everyone: Best reason to always track your food

Friday, April 22, 2022

Best reason to always track your food

... A lot of times you have eaten far fewer calories than you would have guessed! I just went out to eat with my family. I had been doing fantastically on MFP all week and I was determined to stay on track tonight. But all my weak spots were pushed. I was starving by the time we found a restaurant without a wait, and I wasn't able to research the nutrition info ahead of time because we were winging it. The kids were acting up and the husband was high strung from work. I drank more wine than I normally would have because I was in a bad mood, and I ate too many of the nachos that my husband ordered as an appetizer, plus the crusts off my son's pizza because I was ravenous. At the end of the meal, I almost said, "to hell with tracking," which would have meant I likely would've also said, "to hell with tracking," for the rest of the week because I had already blown it and could start over soon enough on Monday. But I sucked it up and tracked... and it turns out I only ate 600 calories more than I budgeted. That's really not so bad in the scheme of things--that means that I can still stay in a mild to moderate deficit this week, and I definitely didn't eat enough to put me over maintenance (though if I had kept going with the "screw it" attitude, I easily could have gone over maintenance by tomorrow night). I find that almost always when I go overboard on a night out and eat more than I wanted to, it's not as bad as I make it out to be in my head--which means that I should not be scared of tracking when I let loose. It actually helps me in the long run to keep tracking because this is a marathon, not a sprint, and learning to deal with off days where I eat more than normal is crucial.

submitted by /u/granolatarian0317
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