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Weight Loss for Everyone: 30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 18

Monday, April 18, 2022

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 18

Hello losers!

Begging my pardon for missing yesterday, I can’t be trusted to push that last submit button! Goodness!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & remind self that it’s a number not a self-worth estimate: Not this morning. 10/18 days.

1800-2000 calories a day, two pounds to lose this month: I can’t assign value to my calorie intake today for my own mental health. I’m logging but I can’t handle being sad about missing the goal today.

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): Rest day, I may have thrown my back out. 13/18 days.

Writing project and/or journaling -1,666 words a day: A little here today.

Todays gratitude list: Today I’m grateful for being upright, still punching kids!

Express intention (day, week, month or moment): My intention for today is to keep on swimming, Dory style. My intention for tomorrow is to continue to question whether my internal judgements are helpful or useful in any way before I haul off judging myself. My intention for this week is to stay in the moment & make choices to support my long-time goals. My intention for this month is to lose two pounds & lessen my sugar intake.

Respond to y’all one day a week: Doing okay here!

How was your day kids?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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