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Weight Loss for Everyone: I’m finally over it, what do I do next?

Monday, April 18, 2022

I’m finally over it, what do I do next?

I’ve gone my entire life not doing anything about my weight and have sat by on idle watching myself get worse and worse.

I’ve recently graduated college, have a good job, began living on my own, I can afford to eat however I want, I don’t have anything going on outside of my 9-5 AND I weigh the most I’ve ever weighed AND the weakest I’ve ever been. I’ve started developing bright red and a purple stretch marks all over my body in areas where muscle used to exist that has since been diminished and replaced with fat in other areas and have thus far continued to do absolutely nothing about it.

Well I’m fucking over it. I’m so angry at myself for letting myself get to where I am and setting myself up for failure.

I have been single for 4.5/5 years and have always dropped any relationships as soon as they begin to get serious, primarily because I lack confidence and am filled with so much disgust in myself that I second guess whatever someone says or feels about me and am constantly feeling like I cannot contribute a fair amount of love in the relationship when I cannot even love myself. In fact, it’s the opposite. I have so much hatred for myself that I’m consistently in a terrible mood and I bail on so many different social opportunities because I lack the confidence and desire to experience it. I’m fucking over it.

I’m also at a loss for what to do next. I’ve never had so much motivation and no idea where to begin. I’ve spent most of my life working on my education and mental, that my body has been neglected, and I am willing to put in so much time to turn my life around as fast as possible. I’m willing to do anything and everything to feel happy.

How do I calculate what I need to eat? I know managing my food intake to hit my macros appropriately is valuable, but how do I actually calculate that?

How should I be working out to maintain muscle mass and reduce fat? Does anyone have a good rigorous workout plan I can steal?

How do I know when I’ve over done it?

Are there any tips/advice you have to avoid cravings?

How do I get drunk?

submitted by /u/weendick
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