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Weight Loss for Everyone: Getting back to where I was last year

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Getting back to where I was last year

2020 I was in an amazing place with my body.. I was exersizing everyday and genuinely enjoyed it.. I was eating healthy and not binge eating. I felt the most secure in my body I had ever felt. Then October 2020 was the start of a landslide of very traumatic events. I lapsed deep into depression and developed a binge eating disorder. I completely gave up on exersizing and started to overeat. I packed on the pounds and a year later (October 2021) I weighed 185lbs. November I started the journey to get my weight back down. I'll admit I havnt been the most consistent and have lapsed back into binge eating a handful of time but nevertheless yesterday I weighed 164! That is 21 pounds down!! My first goal is to reach 150lbs I'm so so close. I'm proud how far I've come so far. I hope I can lose the remainder of the weight by my birthday in August (hopefully even more). I am ready to get back to how I felt in 2020!!

submitted by /u/Temporary_Turnip7599
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