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Weight Loss for Everyone: family becoming self conscious from seeing my weightloss

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

family becoming self conscious from seeing my weightloss

f, 18, 5’7”, sw = 220lbs, cw = 137lbs

basically what the title says: my immediate family members are becoming insecure because of my weightloss and its been making me feel terrible. it feels so conceited to say too.. i’ve always been fat my entire life, i’ve always been the biggest one in my family and i’ve had family members tell me that i’m just made to be big, i have big bones, that i couldn’t be skinny.. well i decided to make a change for myself and enter adulthood healthily. since i’ve reached the 140lb milestone, i’m constantly getting comments from family members about my weightloss and how i’m looking

in case anyones wondering, i’ve never tried to make any of them lose weight nor have i shoved my weightloss down their throats. i keep it to myself, but they’re the ones who’ve started commenting on my body (esp parents and extended family)

instead of telling me to stop eating, they’re now telling me to eat more and telling themselves to stop eating. they constantly make comments like “i wish i could be more like you,” “we all need to take tips from you,” “i need to lose weight,” etc. even my sister, an adult, who has always been a healthy weight, is now wanting to lose weight ): i’ve told her that losing weight probably isn’t healthy and she should focus on body composition, but she won’t listen

then my younger sister is trying to lose weight too.. i wish she wouldn’t be so hard on herself ): she’s still a minor and she should enjoy herself. i tell her that she’s perfect the way she is, calories don’t matter just try to incorporate more whole foods, i’m trying to keep her from getting into disordered eating bc i was there before. it makes me feel so bad

my parents are trying to lose weight as well and it makes me so sad because they’re getting older and they aren’t even an unhealthy weight. they’re consumed by diet culture and won’t listen to me when i tell them that they don’t have to starve themselves, that carbs aren’t bad, that they can still drink coffee, etc

the thing is, i understand their insecurities. i’ve been insecure of my body my entire life until recently, constantly comparing myself to others. i feel so shitty knowing that i’m the reason they’re feeling this way

to those who have dealt with this or are rn, how did/do you handle it?

submitted by /u/ultpietro
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