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Weight Loss for Everyone: April goal:

Saturday, April 2, 2022

April goal:

Hey everyone! So I have lost 30-35lbs starting in May of last year. I still have a good 30+lbs I gotta lose and then I can reevaluate my next goals. I’m f/5’5”/185lbs/28yo. I’ve been on and off working out 2x a week strength training for years. I’ve been consistent though since May for sure. So I have some good muscle build but too much fat on top.XD Anyway, I love this sub and seeing everyone’s experiences and struggle as well as accomplishments! So I would like to post my goals for a little accountability this month. I’ve been in a stall for a long time because I kinda just slid off the calorie deficit train.

My goals this month which I’ve already started are to fast the four days I work(sedentary job). My fast for the four work days will be OMAD(one meal a day). On my three day weekend I will still eat at a deficit but not as drastic. Focusing on protein and nutrition. I tend to go out to eat a LOOOT. So I want to cut down how often I get a meal and start making nutritious meals at home. My next goal is to drink water like nobody’s business(within reason). I don’t drink enough water! Even without consuming soda/juice I just don’t drink enough water. And then finally, I want to get more cardio in. Idk how that realistically looks for me but probably just light jogging a mile here and there. Primarily hiking and going on walks. I know those aren’t really cardio but it’s movement! And I already like doing those things. The end goal is I want to get into the 170’s and out of the 180’s! I’ve been stuck there for too long. So yeah:) April goals.

submitted by /u/Mysterious_Arm5969
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