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Weight Loss for Everyone: Re-starting my weight loss journey (day 2)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Re-starting my weight loss journey (day 2)

Last year about this time, I was going through a very bad breakup. Due to the pandemic all I could do was go outside for walks and didn't feel like eating much most days. Combine that with my decision to quit drinking, and I managed to lose almost 30 pounds in under two months. I started at a pandemic-high weight of 180 lbs (5'-4" male) and was 150 lbs at my lowest. My doctor was so pleased with my blood tests- the best they've ever been! In mid-June my girlfriend and I got backtogether soon thereafter (not because of my weightloss; in fact she hated it and wanted me to eat much more). We started going out to dinner more, I started drinking again, and my exercise went down precipitously. Around the same time, I was promoted at work and my workload went up incredibly; and with it came stress and and a lack of time for anything.

I said good bye to my weight in the 150's telling myself that I'm perfectly happy as long as I can stay in the 160's; which still looks quite good on me and is healthy. Eventually i was back to my pre-pandemic weight (175) and then resorted to finding ways to quickly/effectively lose weight. I tried one place that gave me diet pills, but there was no weight loss program with it. Didn't work; just made me jittery.

I tried another place, this time eschewing the pills but trying to maintain a strict 800 calorie/day diet...which was near impossible primarily because I didn't want to stop drinking. The holidays hit, and my weight continued to creep up... 185# took me to a new place that sold an expensive weight loss supplement program. No diet pills, but herbal supplements to suppress diet. I still struggled to quit drinking, just drinking two glasses of wine each night...and saw some positive results. But 2 glasses became 4 and my weight losses were reversed again. I'm now pushing 190# and I hate my body image. I'm only 10 pounds away from being the heaviest I've ever been.

But, I'm made a commitment to quit drinking. I'm using hypnosis (and self-hypnosis) and combining that with a CICO of 1400/2800. I'm drinking a ton of water again, and trying so hard to keep myself on track. I have a closet full of great clothes that i bought when i was skinnier and so mad that they don't fit and I have to resort to my bigger, frumpier clothes- which some of those are even too tight.

I've been down this path so many times over the last 15 years...and have had various stretches of success; but drinking beer/alcohol has always been my Achilles heel. This time has to be different.

My first goal is to lose 15 pounds and to get back to my pre-pandemic weight (175) which has basically been my "normal" for the past 2 years. My long term goal is to get back into the 150s and to stay there. But most importantly, I want to quit drinking and make healthier lifestyle choices and hopefully lose weight at the same time.

submitted by /u/mcaffrey81
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