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Weight Loss for Everyone: Hoping to start

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hoping to start

To preface: sorry if this doesn’t belong here, and sorry for formatting. On mobile.

So I’m a woman, 6’0” and about 230lbs. For years I’ve had weight issues. I’m young, and I’ve gained and lost 50lbs twice already in my life. Most recently I’ve gained 70lbs and I can’t seem to lose any with any longevity. I suspect a hormonal issue (there’s lots of evidence but doctors haven’t been helpful... it’s a long story.)

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about trying to lose weight again recently. I’m not entirely unhappy with how I look but I am with how I feel. I find I’m lethargic, sleep too much, unmotivated, and generally bummed about it. I’ve made lifestyle changes in the past that have made me feel incredible, and for some reason I’m now having a hard time getting myself on board to try again. I guess what I’m looking for is maybe some words of encouragement? If anyone’s been in a similar situation and knows how to maybe... kickstart my brain into getting on board... I’d really appreciate it.

I’d like to add... I haven’t had issues with people in my life pointing out a difference and generally don’t think it’s a huge detriment to my life... I just personally want to treat myself better and think it’ll be a positive step for my general mental health issues. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/throwRA227727
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