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Weight Loss for Everyone: Using Noom along with dr and am annoyed. Just ranting.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Using Noom along with dr and am annoyed. Just ranting.

so like tittle says I'm using Noom along with advice from my dr because i'm 270, alost 30 and family has a history of type 1 diabetes i need to lose the weight. Now I've always been big 150+ in hs, 200+ when i got married and now 270 and it really is a case of "the reason is bull shit" I don't really eat, I mean i do I'll have my normal 3 meals and dessert every other day but that's about it. and when doing that, despite not changing my habits (last....6 years I've been self employed working from home and because I don't drive(ptsd from 2 car accidents that were practically back to back) other than walking i don't get out much) I'd balloon up. Even if those 3 meals and 1 dessert were under 2000 callories.

Example last week I did the 6 small meals a day, dinner being the biggest. I was eating things like egg/cheese/1 piece of turkey bacon on an English muffin for breakfast. 2 hours later i'd have like a piece of fruit or a granola bar. then at noon i'd eat lunch(left overs from dinner the night bfore) another 2 hours and i'd have like jello or chips. at 5:30-6 i'd eat dinner like turkey kielbasa hash. 2 hours later some ice-cream or a cookie. All of that was, each day was almost 2000 callories(like 1600, or 1840), along with 2-3 glasses of water. I felt like it was way way too much food. by Thursday I actually dreaded the snacks in-between each meal because I just don't like eating that much/often. But despite that I lost 1lb every day or two. With out fail.

Then the weekend came. Saturday/sun roughly 1400 calories a day. And i walked more because Saturday we go food shopping and Sunday took the dog to the dog park. Yet despite eating less, and doing more I had gained 4 lbs. in 2 days. WTF? How an why? the weekdays where i ate close to 2000 calories i actually was LESS active than I was on the weekends. I did have my vr, that I spent about 45 mins playing each day that got me up and moving (we have a family room we cleared out for vr roughly 16ft by 12 that we have to move around in as we use full body tracking to "walk" in the games) But that only got me to 3000 steps a day mon-Friday (yay working from home on your all butt all day) where as the weekends i got 6000 steps a day.

Shouldn't less food + more exercise = lost lbs and more food + less exercise =gained lbs? how come its switched for me? I asked my dr and their response was "its just how your body is" well that doesn't explain anything "its just how it is" is a crap answer. Highschool was the same the more meals i ate, and the less i did i would lose a lot of weight i did at once point get below 150 but the minuet i stop eating 6 times a day and start being active i gain all the weight back plus more. I don't like to eat a lot, because of the weight I have a bad relationship with food, so this ass backwards way my body works pisses me off. The only thing i can think thats a better answer than what my dr gave is, its something with how my body processes food/how quickly/slowly it does it. Idk anyway, this was just an annoyed rant, though if you have any idea why, for me the age old, less food + move more =lbs is totally opposite for how my body decides it loses weight isn't a think, lmk cause i'd love to know.

submitted by /u/VampireAllana
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