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Weight Loss for Everyone: Has anyone done/doing 75 Hard?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Has anyone done/doing 75 Hard?

Now that I got the approval from my OB to start working out (I'm 2 weeks postpartum, bodyweight exercises, no squats) I decided that I'm going to start 75 Hard, which is a challenge that 1st Phorm puts on. It's a free app you can download and basically it has these different challenges every day which you can cross off and the goal is to make it 75 days without missing a day. The challenges are:

  • 45 minute workout (I'm doing a bodyweight, super light workout, I will probably not make my first workout 45 minutes because I'm just getting back into "lifting" after having my baby. My program is 6 days/week and on the 7th day of the week I'm going to take two walks)
  • 45 minute workout outside (Baby and I take a walk with the stroller, we'd been doing that pretty much since he was born, so that's not new)
  • Upload a progress picture (easy lol)
  • Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book (I'm just going to read in general, it's something that I've been meaning to start up again)
  • Drink 1 gallon of water
  • Follow a diet (I'm just using my macros, which averages out to about 2000 calories/day)
  • No cheat meals or alcohol (The no alcohol will be easy because I'm breastfeeding, the no cheat meals will be a challenge!)

I was also thinking if anyone is interested in doing it with me that maybe we could start a Whatsapp or IG accountability group or whatever the kids are using these days to communicate? I'm honestly not sure lol

If you've done it before, what is your experience? If you would like to, would you be interested in joining my accountability group? I figure we can share progress pictures, talk about books, workouts, challenges, etc.

submitted by /u/bravoalphagolf
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