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Weight Loss for Everyone: Advice for counting calories around kids?

Friday, June 25, 2021

Advice for counting calories around kids?

I lost about 85 pounds Pre-COVID by counting calories and exercise. I found all of those pounds and then some coping with the added stress of teaching from home, the birth of my third child (I was not the pregnant partner), worrying about my immunocompromised three-year-old, and just dealing with the constant trauma of the last year and a half.

But my school-year just ended and I feel like I can breathe for the first time in a long time. I'm ready to start eating healthy again, but I'm worried about the impact on my children of constatly tracking what I eat.

My six-year-old is already talking about eating healthy in kind of a weird way and I don't want them absorbing my body image issues or think what I'm doing is appropriate for them.

I don't want to model obsessing over my weight, but I need to weigh and log my food.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/thewaterballoonist
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