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Weight Loss for Everyone: Has anyone else struggled to maintain healthy eating as restrictions ease up and we can be more social?

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Has anyone else struggled to maintain healthy eating as restrictions ease up and we can be more social?

The last few weeks I've been seeing my friends and family a lot more, making up for lost times, a lot of that seems to revolve around food, so I've put on a bit of weight, nothing drastic and I've already lost 5lbs of that over the last couple of weeks.

But summer is drawing on, and the invitations to bbqs or whatever come. Ultimately, I want to be able to enjoy each opportunity without restricting myself, so instead I've focused on earning it or else restricting myself outside of events. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

If so, how do you balance a social life with trying to lose weight? The last year or so had been tough for everyone, so it feels important and good for the soul to enjoy every interaction you have, which I guess is the positive side of all of this, your appreciate the small things!

One thing I've found really helpful is making plans that involve activity, so going for a cycle ride or walk with a friend, playing casual sport with a group of mates etc. Not always possible, but at least it replaces going to a restaurant or bar. When the weather is good it's alot easier to be active.

TLDR, how do you balance a social life with trying to eat healthy?

submitted by /u/timetochange176
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