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Weight Loss for Everyone: From Fat to Fit (Overcoming Obesity and Pornography)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

From Fat to Fit (Overcoming Obesity and Pornography)

Weight loss is not just physical it’s mental. When I was 285 pounds, I often found myself depressed and alone. No one cared about me or how I felt, I was the overweight guy that was an easy target for bullying. I was demotivated from all the years of psychological pain and disrespect. I had 2 choices, give up and give into the lies or face reality, accept my circumstances and MAKE A CHANGE.

I had to become more disciplined, I had so many negative habits and people around me that were holding me back, I had to let go of my past life and start a new. I had to realize that I was responsible for my own actions and my body was a direct reflection of how little I though of myself.

All the pain, all the failure, all the disrespect…. It fueled me. I was not going to let this be my story. I had so much more to offer this world and I knew it was now or never.

When I was overweight, I had several mindsets that were holding me back. I was unmotivated, undisciplined, and unappreciative of what God had given me. I had no motivation to get in better shape, my thought process was, if I can play sports and be successful in them then why do I need to be in good shape? If I can watch pornography and stay at home, why would I improve my body and work out? I had zero discipline, when I was hungry, I was going to eat whatever I wanted. No one was going to tell me what to do, or so I thought.

One of my favorite excuses was, God created me this way, I don’t have a fast metabolism so I wouldn’t be able to lose weight anyway. These are all lies, God did not create everyone to be mediocre, no one is responsible for your body except yourself, if something is a priority to you, you’re going to do whatever needs to be done in order to get the result you want.

I had to motivate myself so that’s just what I did. I started going to the gym, eating healthier, found an accountability partner, learned about my body, and stayed CONSISTENT. You cannot compare your chapter 1 to someone’s chapter 20, everyone has to start somewhere. Do not put this off, the quicker you become educated, you hit the gym, understand nutrition, the quicker the weight is going to come off.

I ended up Losing 110 pounds in 9 months and overcoming Porn Addiction. I'm only 22 years of age but if I can do it, anyone can! Hope this encourages you :)

submitted by /u/_NoGreaterLove
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