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Weight Loss for Everyone: Frustrated

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


After many months of inconsistent tracking and overeating during the pandemic, I got serious about calorie counting again in May. I deleted all my app data and started from scratch with my new starting weight (highest ever) and goal, which gave me a renewed sense of purpose. The first few weeks went great! I was coming in at or under budget every day, and I was seeing the results on the scale. My goal is 1 pound/week, so not an extreme change, but I was satisfied to see that the math was working out how it should.

At the end of May, I went to the doctor and was prescribed a course of steroids for nasal polyps. I was worried because I know a lot of people lose weight on steroids, but for the first week or two, they actually seemed to supercharge my weight loss! I had lots of energy and even though I was hungry all the time, I was mostly staying on track. A couple weeks into it, I found that it was getting harder to stick to my plan, and when I started titrating down the dosage of steroids, I didn't have that extra boost to my metabolism, and my weight loss stalled. Still, this made mathematical sense to me - I was eating at maintenance level, so I should be maintaining.

What doesn't make sense is that since then I have started to see my weight creep back up. I am back on track with staying on my calorie budget, but every day that I weigh in is the same or higher than the previous day. I completely acknowledge that I was above budget for a couple weeks when I was on steroids, but I never ate more than my deficit, so like I said, I should have been maintaining at worst. I know it's possible that I'm making errors in my tracking, but it seems really unlikely that I would be so far off as to have gained back almost 5 pounds in 2 weeks, especially because I assume I would have been making the same kinds of errors a month ago when I was steadily losing.

I have been more active since I renewed my commitment to my health, but nothing that should be adding a tangible amount of muscle mass - we're talking longer walks with my dog and a weekly yoga class. I am under a lot of stress at work - my counterpart quit at the end of April and I absorbed his direct reports and projects, and I've had to manage a lot of operational and personnel drama in the past couple weeks - and at home - I recently bought my first house and have been dealing with making all the preparations and moving and all of that jazz. I also have not been sleeping well - being up later and waking up earlier, and typically waking up at least once per night for at least an hour. However, again, those factors were also present when I was having success.

I'm not sure what my goal is with writing this post. Maybe y'all can help me troubleshoot, or just commiserate? Mostly I'm just frustrated and needed to vent.

Weight progression for the last month: SW 178 CW 176 GW 140, lowest weight during this time period 171.2

submitted by /u/cheddarfever
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