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Weight Loss for Everyone: Falling Foul of the Maintenance Munchies

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Falling Foul of the Maintenance Munchies

Uh oh spaghettio!

I reached ~127lbs a couple of months ago and, as I'm now a healthy weight, prepared myself for essentially maintenance with a bit of some very slow weight loss to get to my UGW of 120-115lbs depending on BF% etc. and a bit of a recomp although... haven't started lifting yet so that's not happening.

Buuuuuut... I've stumbled where I'm sure many of us have before: life.

The pubs have opened, the sun is out (not always a problem in the UK, and certainly hasn't been the last week or so, but when you get it you have to make the most of it), and also I just CANNOT stop shoving Fox's Chocolatey Rounds in my mouth. Work has been see-sawing between stressful and boring and I've developed a bad 4pm boredom-eating habit which I KNOW is boredom and try to offset with tea but... it just doesn't taste as good.

In the scheme of things, it's not usually the biggest of calorie blow-outs (although they're getting bigger) but it's definitely hindering my progress and, if I'm not careful, I'll end up back where I started. I think it's a combination of the whole 'I'm here' mindset, plus a dose of FOMO (and freedom) and potentially some genuine hunger - I just started marathon training, although as I'm at the start of the plan, my mileage is lower than it was a month ago.

I have a terrible sweet tooth - I spent all of last year subbing Graze bites for biscuits, but something inside me seems to have turned into the Cookie Monster so my cupboard of healthy snacks is going untouched (and I'm on the implant, so while it may be slightly hormonal, sadly it can't all be attributed to that).

So far I'm just about off-setting this with my activity level but any tips on how people manage maintenance would be amazing. While I logically know many of them (healthier alternatives, just say no, don't go down that bloody biscuit aisle in the first place) my will-power's gone. Oh and I aim for 1500-1600cals a day, but will eat up to 2000ish if I did a long run on the weekend, so I also don't *think* it's anything starvation related... but maybe I'm wrong!

I know it's a marathon (heh) and that a month or so of bad eating isn't going to hurt me in the long run (heeeh) and I've got 60-odd years to keep at it but equally, I've got to keep an eye on myself.

TL;DR - maintenance advice please and also someone come stop me from hitting up Sainsbury's please and thank.

submitted by /u/intotheneonlights
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