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Weight Loss for Everyone: [Century Club] June 24, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

[Century Club] June 24, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: CommentsTravel - Disconnects - Activity - Years! - Fun! - Rhythms - How strict? - Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

Water Weight

The past month has been a helpful reminder as to why my cornerstone habit is to weigh myself daily.

For the past 30 days, my average weight has been 159.73 lbs, but I've been as low as 156.5 and as high as 165.1 in the span of 10 days around a 5 day business trip during which I could not weigh myself, but I did generally track my food and controlled breakfast at least. So, basically I've hit my upper control rail (165 lbs) for maintenance shortly after being pretty close to my lower control rail. (155 lbs). I'd rather stay in the 153-163 range, but a monthly 165 is my "start eating at a deficit again" trigger.

The stress of the business trip, poor sleep, eating food prepared by someone else higher in sodium and in carbs than I usually prepare for myself, having social meals, and even just being on planes all contribute to my water retention. My clothes feel less loose than they did a week ago although I did manage to keep up my activity levels during the trip and have been walking or running at least 10K steps

I'm glad that I seem to have been correct and the couple of days around 165 have gradually faded back to the ~160 average I was expecting to be at.

If I only measured once a month I would really have no clue what was going on. I could have measured on a day when I was close to 165 or a day when I was closer to 156.5. Or even a day that was closer to my average.

I'm running a virtual 10K this weekend, probably tomorrow as it will be slightly cooler, and the extra couple of pounds won't help my time. Sigh.

How do you deal with water weight fluctuations Centurion? What else is going on for you this week?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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