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Weight Loss for Everyone: how do you manage when your appetite never goes away and you feel almost deprived?

Saturday, April 2, 2022

how do you manage when your appetite never goes away and you feel almost deprived?

I have a never ending appetite. I've had this issue for a long time, probably since I was around 10 years old. I'm 21 now. I don't absolutely need to lose weight per se, I'm not overweight (5'2 120 lbs), but I did gain about 15-20lbs last year very suddenly. Since I was a kid I could eat whatever I wanted. I overate constantly and never gained weight, until then. I haven't gained or lost anything since, I just kind of hover around there, sometimes I lose a few lbs then I gain it back again. I would like to go back closer to my previous weight I guess, but more importantly, I'm trying to avoid worsening my GI issues by eating way too much and also maintain health.

There's sort of two components to my problem. 1 - I always want to eat. I think part of it is craving stimulation, wanting that dopamine hit food gives me. Food is one of the few things to do that. Whenever I'm sedentary, or not doing something super engaging, I quickly grow bored. I've always been like this. Since I try not to constantly eat, I'm very frequently thinking about when the next time I'll be able to eat again is. Not because I want to - it just comes to mind over and over and I'll be almost counting down the hours sometimes. It'll keep popping into my mind, and I'll really want to eat something right then. Sometimes it feels horrible, like I feel deprived I guess. It's NOT because I'm hungry. I'm completely fine until when it's an appropriate time to eat again, I physically don't feel any hunger through most of this. It's just the appetite. If I'm actually hungry, I'll eat.

The second part is, when I do eat, it's over so quick and I just want more. Sometimes a lot. And certain foods are almost impossible not to binge, for me, specifically certain junk food. Like I just can't stop, one piece/slice/whatever isn't enough, it's over so fast and I want more so I avoid them. It seriously feels like there's two parts of me fighting - frontal cortex me for lack of better words, that knows better, and the primal, basal part of me that just absolutely CRAVES another burrito or more pizza or more of whatever I just ate. I can even stuff myself and my appetite won't go away usually. And I can't keep junk out of the house, I live with family and they will never stop buying stuff like that. I'm the only one that eats relatively healthily (at least a good 70% of the time).

Overeating/large volumes of food are basically the #1 trigger for GI distress for me, so I have to try really hard to avoid doing it. I have to eat relatively small portions, and space out my meals. And it's not that I'm still hungry. I have no issues with that. It's mental, it's the appetite thing. And every time I overdo it i immediately realize it wasn't worth it, then I have to deal with feeling bloated and gross, it worsens my stomach issues, and I just wish I could undo it. Sometimes I'll do pretty well for a few days then I just cave, especially when someone in my family brings home pizza for everyone or something (and they always as ask me if I want pizza, or McDonald's, or this or that even though I say no most of the time). Or I'll see something in the fridge or pantry, then I get that feeling.. the internal battle, the push and pull of it.. and sometimes I lose and it's like I'm watching myself do it and the impulse just overcomes me. But then physically I feel crappy and I suffer for it later and end up backed up or bloated (I'm extremely sensitive to those things - it doesn't have to be anything crazy to cause it).

How do you keep yourself in check? How do you deal with the never ending appetite and always wanting to eat? And it's not just junk food. I cook, and I try to eat healthy as much as possible but I often want to overeat that too, when it's one of my favorite meals. This is all just really difficult.

submitted by /u/pickledcorn1
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