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Weight Loss for Everyone: Week 1

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Week 1

June 1, 2021 I am beginning my fitness journey once again after a long break - years of neglecting my health and gaining unhealthy weight. I want to post here weekly in order to hold myself accountable and track my progress. It was my inability to remain consistent that led to the decline last time: I was doing really well for months bulking and working out each week. I made great progress but fell out of my healthy habits of exercising while consuming the same amount of calories. This led me to gain a lot of weight over a long period of time and covering all the positive gains I had made with fat. At my heaviest I weighed in at 214 lb. This week is my first week back at it after years and I am feeling motivated to work hard and reach my goal weight of 180lb. This morning I weighed 204lb. My biggest fear is that when my initial motivation dissipates that I will fall back into my old unhealthy habits. While I think it’s okay for me to utilize this motivated feeling, I will have to better focus this time on building healthy habits that I can hold onto for life. So far I am not struggling much to keep a 500 calorie deficit, however it is difficult to get the amount of protein that is ideal given the caloric restraints. Sometimes I feel like I’m already having a hard time being patient - it’s only been a week but every time I step on the scale I’m secretly hoping to see a much lower number. Hopefully in the post next week I will be weighing in around 202-203ish lbs.

submitted by /u/brobrofitnessthrow
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