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Weight Loss for Everyone: On the slow weeks, don't forget to look at your NSV's

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

On the slow weeks, don't forget to look at your NSV's

I love the scale. I love the rush I feel when I see my weight going down, but on the flip side during slow weeks, I get impatient when I stall. This week, I realized that this is the perfect time to reflect on my NSV's for motivation and to remember that changes are, in fact, happening.

- A dress I bought to wear for Christmas thinking I would definitely fit into it after I had my baby (I had a baby in October, 7 months ago) was way, way too tight in December. It now fits perfectly to a little roomy in the waist. It looks smokin'.

- I zipped up a dress that I bought around the same time that wouldn't even zip up a month ago.

- Leggings that I bought in December to get me through this stage and be comfortable are now so loose that I need to get new, smaller ones.

- My husband snapped a picture of me at dinner on our 5-year anniversary and the. face. gains. THE FACE GAINS.

- Foot pain that I have had for months is finally almost gone. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

- My husband took a picture of me with our baby, and I actually really liked it. I didn't immediately hate how my arms looked. They looked strong!

- My portions are under control

- I've lost total of 10.5" from my body

Looking at this list motivates me to keep going. The changes I want to see certainly won't happen if I don't! I've only lost 16 of the 50 pounds I want to lose, and if these are the victories that less than 50% of my goal gives me, I CAN'T WAIT to hit the halfway point and beyond.

Happy NSV's, everybody. I'd love to hear yours!

Edit to add: I've been actively losing weight for 2 months, counting calories for 51 days today. I eat 1600-1800 calories a day with a focus on eating 3+ servings of vegetables a day (which has been super helpful in casually keeping my calories low), walk 5-6 days a week for an hour or so, and I've been doing an Ab Rehab program that has helped me make major gains in my midsection. I'm working my (literal) a** off.

submitted by /u/queensmithue
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